fredag 6 mars 2009

You should've seen it!

Everyone in KHS was walking around in spring clothes.
Because, after a loooong time with below freezing, it was up to over 60 degrees which is about 15 celsius. Wow, it was wonderful. Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for this?
Walk out in 3/4 pants and a top and not freeze. Then come home and sit outside reading a very good book. "The Shack" Got for christmas from my aunt :D And since I get interrupted every time I try to read I don't get very far. But so far it's very good and I really wanna find out more.
Such a good writer.

Me and my American mom also decided to surprise Heather thru bathing her dog.
Wow, he smelled. A bath was definitely in its place.
So tonight he's actually gonna sleep inside.
Which never happens. He get's to sleep in a dirty cage with diarrhea.
But nice as I am I decided to boil water and let it cool and see if it might help.
I know it worked on our dogs so maybe.
People keep telling him how ugly and horrible he is, but I really like him.
Not the cutest dog but he for sure has a dogality.

Spring is loveable
Spring is spring
But if I know Michigan right, this is not the beginning of spring.


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