måndag 30 mars 2009

You got the hick-ups in Sweden?

I didn't get the question but another friend did...
What do you answer to that? No it's an American thing .
Just like twins, that's a question I did get. We have them in Sweden too.

Don't know what to write but I'm sure it will be something.
We're watching two movies in two classes, both about segregation and when America became desegregated. Two very good movies. One of them is "Remember the Titans" so funny and good message. Haven't seen the end yet though.

My dear shin splints are still here, so I can't run.
Kinda looks like my plan to be fit for beach wont come true :P
Hopefully they'll be good soon when I for once get the motivation to do it.

Swimming in gym right now boy am I happy.
It's so much fun :)

And SOON I'm home! Or before that it will be California,Prom and Graduation but Then!


onsdag 25 mars 2009


I've gotten shin splints!
How nice, and it's only us out-of-shape-people who gets it.
I feel lucky.
For you who don't know what it is,
It's pain next to the shin(smalben) that is caused of the thin muscle over it is rubbed against it while running when not used to it so the muscle starts bleeding every time you run.
Then you just stretch and stretch and stretch some more and put ice on it.
I've felt it since like last week, but not until yesterday it started hurting while running.
So , no running for me today. Gonna try it tomorrow though.

Sometimes we play Flickerball in gym. It's a mix of football and basketball and you play it with a football. Which I've never been good at catching so I was happy so long they didn't pass it to me. Even though if a girl scores it's double the points since we're not that many girls in the class and the ones that are aren't motivated. Anyway, so to score you either hit the backboard 1-2p or the hoop 3-6p. In the end of our second game , it was like one minute left or something, this one guy passes it to me, and I catch it which just that is a big thing, and everyone surrounds me specially max that's like on me, but the guy who passed to me pushed him away so I threw it, and first it hit the backboard(wow) and then boom down in the hoop ! I was in shock , it was amazing :D

Only 9 days till California now. Jajks! Getting nervous.


söndag 22 mars 2009

Bounce bounce BOUNCE

Trampolines and water is like what makes me most happy and attaches a big smile on my face.
Yesterday Ashlee & Heather put up a trampoline here in our yard.
It was too dark then to jump so me and Heather started when we got home from church today.
Which was unusual good, it wasn't the same pastor it was another guy and he was really good.
But, back to the subject. And we were laughing the whole time!
We haven't laughed like that for so long , it was really refreshing and leg aching.
A break for movie and then dinner, and back out bouncing with now also Josh, Heather's brother.
You can not spend time with him without laughing oh my word we couldn't control our jumping while laughing so much.
Then Tyler (Ashlee's boyfriend) came out and was watching us bouncing around and trying to pull our legs so we would fall.
Well of course he managed to do it to me. He came behind and I didn't see him so it was totally uncall for and poff down was I kissing the trampoline.

Good thing we had peed before it was definitely needed, who knows what would've happen without it.

If I continue like this with track and trampoline I'll be in shape before you know it!
Now it's just hurting...But it's good pain!
It sounds stupid I know, on the other hand, after a good work-out even if it hurts the day after it's good pain and a sign that your body has been working = Good pain.
And if I'm gonna laugh like that every time I jump abs will be showing here soon as well. Prolly not . Even when I was jumping alone I caught myself laughing at how stupid I looked.

P.S I'm pro on mashed potatoes! Always a good skill

Mathilda som studsar ut slut

måndag 16 mars 2009

An apple a day will keep the doctor away

If that was true I wouldn't have this cold still.
I wish I was a good blogger and writer. Sometimes it happens, but those moments are few.

Back to track today and it was outside! Warm like a summer day. Up around 60's which is about 15 Celsius I guess. Which is very warm compared to below zero that we've had for a Long period of time now. That might be the reason why I'm constantly sick, the insane weather changes.
I used to believe that Sweden had weather swings like a women on her period, but that is nothing compared to Michigan that is like a pregnant women. And we all know that they got some crazy mood swings ;) One day it's +15 the other day it's -15. How are we ever supposed to know how to dress? One day is never the same as the one before.
I guess that's true in many ways. Both weather and mood wise. And other ways too.

It's kinda sad when I notice that I forget certain Swedish words. I didn't think that would happen or be possible but it is and people tease me about it :P
It is somewhat fun but it will be hard if it will stick with me when school starts.
That I btw haven't decided where to go yet or what to major in.
Extremely hard decision. And you don't wanna make the wrong one.

I'm reading this book the Shack.
I wish I could talk about it because it's very interesting but I can't spoil it if anyone else is going to read it. I recommend for everyone to read it though. Trust me, you will get something to think about. So I guess if you're not really a thinker, then it's nothing for you ;)


måndag 9 mars 2009

It must be my lucky day

I would certainly say so.

Starts out with oversleeping, but hey we made it in time!
Cool presentations by peeps in psychology.
Worried about track all day but it turned out great!
So now ladies and gentlemen, Mathilda has started Track(friidrott) and wont eat candy/snacks and she will eat healthier. Or at least try, she's still in the states... ;)
She comes home and what does she hear? HER HOST MOM HAS GOTTEN A JOB!!!!
Wow, it's amazing :D Everyone is super excited, it's taken a while but now it's here.
And she walks about 5 miles / day and eats healthier which has made her much happier which is an Awesome and necessary thing for this family.
I'm going to California in 25 days! WOW can seriously hardly realize it...it's insane.

And , before I went to bed I called my mom to congratulate her :D
Boy wasn't she surprised when the phone rang 04.40??
But we talked for about a half an hour. Great! I kinda knew she wouldn't get upset so I think we were on each line with huge smiles on our faces. Or at least I know I was ;)
So, I'm proud to say that I congratulated her first on her b-day ! :D hihi

Well going to bed now c ya!


söndag 8 mars 2009


Oh my word!
It makes me so mad.
Laura told me about an article she read that was about a man who let his dog freeze to death and get stuck to the ground! And, they're not even pressing charges on him!
How can that be acceptable??
That's sick.

Actually, Skip the dog here, we bathed him, twice, and let him sleep in the house all weekend.
I feel so sorry for him though.
Diarrhea for a few years and live in a dirty cage with rarely clean water and hardly any walks.
And he lives there all year around. He's not a pretty dog, but he got a great dogality.
Heather used to train him so he knows how to behave, but now she doesn't care anymore.
I wish I could save him but how? If a dog shelter takes him they'll put him down since he's not a pup anymore.

Why do some people treat animals so Wrong??


fredag 6 mars 2009

You should've seen it!

Everyone in KHS was walking around in spring clothes.
Because, after a loooong time with below freezing, it was up to over 60 degrees which is about 15 celsius. Wow, it was wonderful. Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for this?
Walk out in 3/4 pants and a top and not freeze. Then come home and sit outside reading a very good book. "The Shack" Got for christmas from my aunt :D And since I get interrupted every time I try to read I don't get very far. But so far it's very good and I really wanna find out more.
Such a good writer.

Me and my American mom also decided to surprise Heather thru bathing her dog.
Wow, he smelled. A bath was definitely in its place.
So tonight he's actually gonna sleep inside.
Which never happens. He get's to sleep in a dirty cage with diarrhea.
But nice as I am I decided to boil water and let it cool and see if it might help.
I know it worked on our dogs so maybe.
People keep telling him how ugly and horrible he is, but I really like him.
Not the cutest dog but he for sure has a dogality.

Spring is loveable
Spring is spring
But if I know Michigan right, this is not the beginning of spring.


torsdag 5 mars 2009

Blev utmanad

Utmaning : Fick en utmaning av Jeanette, lite sent men bättre sent än aldrig!

1. Säg tre ställen på Internet du oftast besöker
Bilddagboken, Facebook, Blogspot

2. Sjunger du hemma eller i duschen?
Hemma, stackars min familj ^^

3. Kan du spela något instrument, vad?
Spelade ju gitarr och fiol men vad som hände med det vette fåglarna

4. Hur mycket tid lägger du ned på bloggande per dag ungefär?
Måste man ha en tid, olika från dag t dag

5. Vilken "kändis" läser eller har du läst mest av som bloggar?

6. Någon känd person du anser vara sympatisk och trevlig, en favorit?
Oj, ehm har ingen aning

7. Alla samlar på något, vad samlar du på?
Kunskap? Hoho vis man låter

8. Du måste välja - är du en mes eller en tuffing?
Skulle ju vilja säga tuffing men går med mes

9. Humor är roligt , nämn någon du gärna ser eller lyssnar på, TV, film?
Johan Glans

10. Nämn ett intresse du har som är lite annorlunda eller udda?

Skulle ju utamana folk men det får vara.

onsdag 4 mars 2009

Get it take it and keep it forever yours

Creative writing is the sweeetest class!
I wish we had a class like that in sweden...hah who am I trying to kid, we don't have relaxed and cool classes like that. No homework and mostly just socializing. Plus that we learn how to be awesome writers. I wrote this one poem for my mom and she recommended me to show it to her but I don't know, maybe sometime ? ;)
Haha I know someone that's gonna try to force it out of me, but nah not today :D haha
To bad mom, better luck next time.

If I could bring high school to sweden, that would be awesome.
According to Mr. Billings, college physics teacher, american schools are a joke. Which is prolly true but it's pretty sweet too. The classes they got to offer and being able to socialize with teacher, yeah good luck with that one in sweden with our ,some, boring teachers...
I mean a teacher that's been in Iraq(Mr Hall) that's so cool.
He's an amazing teacher too and don't follow any curriculum's I just wish I could have him too.

Next week it's the ACT's for the juniors and some seniors so tuesday is the day off and wed+thur we start 11 a.m . Grymt!
Finally done with the wonderful u.s history project that took a long time to finish. I better have aced it other wise I will hang myself...no but it wont be fun.
Ofc some lazy freshman's wern't done...what a surprise! never would've thought that about kearsley students.
-"How many Kearsley student's does it take to count students in a classroom?" btw kearsley students are the worst on math.
and the other day the principal wanted to teach the teachers how to read. Really??
Mr markwardt before an essay:" And don't write prolly! It's not a word, it will not be counted"
All tests here are multiple choice ones...
