söndag 10 maj 2009

Jeeeeerky I'm gonna miss you when i'm not around no more!
That chewy substance of yours. YUM.
Expensive of course...And pretty much extinct in Sweden.
What's up with that??
For real now, how will i survive?
I guess can buy elk jerky, but that's Far away as good as you beef jerky.
I realized that someone like oh i don't know a nosy person as my mom (:P) could think that i'm talking about a guy or somethin', but no. I'm actually talkin' about jerky. it's wonderful and addicting. People, export jerky to Sweden so I can survive! And please lower the prize...

8 kommentarer:

  1. :)))
    At City Gross they have beefjerky from US :))
    I AM NOT NOSY, I am just mom :)))
    love ya

  2. All moms are nosy one way or the other - it is one of our missions in life LOL.

  3. oh my word you two just have to gain up on me don't you...jk ;)

  4. Hehehee...OFCOURSE !! Släkten ä värst vettu ;P

  5. Ja du Mathilda, jag kan inte annat än instämma i föregående talare, det är vårt "jobb" liksom.
    Mamma vet allt, så får ni barn klura på hur ;)

  6. Mellan Sollentuna och Helenelund kommer vi att ha örnkoll ROFLMAO.
    Kram, Moster

  7. Men ibland blir det fel - det ska ju vara mellan Vårberg och Helenelund. Snacka om hjärnsläpp;-)
    Mer kramar,

  8. boy aren't you some funny peeps...geez
