lördag 25 april 2009

Prom -09

Sitting here waiting for Jenny G to finish Heather's hair and then do mine.
It's impressive how good she is. Both her and her sister got very long hair so she can try different hairstyles on herself and sister. She's really good, kinda like a hairdresser.
I guess the plans for today are ;
Prepare everything for prom and put it all on.
Go to Jenny C's house for pictures
Take the limo from her house to For mar a nature place, and take more pictures.
Limo all the way :)

So getting kinda excited for the whole thing now :D
Plus that Mika is delivering today! or maybe she already has I don't know but it's So exciting.
To see the little baby, boy or girl , name etc :)
Time flies by so fast...

2 kommentarer:

  1. Wohoo moster Mathilda :))
    Du är numera moster till en liten pojk, ler mjukt.
    Hoppas hoppas du har en toppentoppen dag.
    massa puss

  2. Hoppas din dag var lika magisk och underbar som en bal på slottet - fniss.
    Kramar från moster och gänget
