Today is the BIG day. It's the day when "Livskraft" starts!
A Christian youth camp, it'll last till friday and it will be the best Ever.
Totally excited. It's gonna be different knowing so many people there, compared to last time when I hardly knew anyone, now it feels like I know half the camp. No I probably don't, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
Christmas was really good and I got some awesome gifts :)
See ya I'm off to Uppsala! :D
måndag 28 december 2009
torsdag 17 december 2009
Snow <3
As probably most of you know, I LOVE snow.
Just not when it's mixed with a storm so it makes my both my eyes and nose cry. Man it was windy today! It started this morning...My mascara was everywhere but where I wanted it. When it was all fixed and we had had our first class, gym, the weather was easier. But back at school we had just gotten out from the subway and it was the worst storm ever! Ok , storm is not the correct word. But it was soooo windy! I mean it's not a long way from the subway to our school, but we were covered in snow by the time we got there. And we were walking faced to the ground so we walked into people...It was an adventure not to speak of...But the day ended good, after our last test this semester we got out at around 15.30 and the snow was falling lightly and it was dark. For once it was a lot of snow in the city. It usually melts away. But now it was like 1 dm (3inches)
Out here it's even more. I love it, and specially that I don't have to shovel! :D I wanna go sledding...Maybe I'll manage to convince someone :D
One subject to another, my english exam thingie!
I finished it last week, it felt pretty good. But my teacher is slow as a snail so he haven't corrected it yet. But next year I'll know ;)
Tomorrow the christmas vacation starts. I have a feeling that I'm gonna have something to do pretty much every day, and if I don't I'll find something to do.
It begins with that me and some friends are going to Clara's and we'll bake Lussebullar(saffron buns) and gingerbread cookies and Knäck(?) and we'll spend the night.
Tuesday me and my mom are going to grandma :D Totally excited! We'll stay there to 25th or 26th. And that's when we're celebrating christmas here at my dad's.
Two days later I'm headed to Uppsala for the youth camp!!!!!! Can't even imagine how amazing it will be. dec 28th - jan 1st. We will be pretty much dead, but the 2nd some of us are going on a hockey game! After that it's a week left and who knows what will happen? I don't :) I'm happily unaware. If that makes sense on English? (Lyckligt ovetande!)
That's it for now :)
Just not when it's mixed with a storm so it makes my both my eyes and nose cry. Man it was windy today! It started this morning...My mascara was everywhere but where I wanted it. When it was all fixed and we had had our first class, gym, the weather was easier. But back at school we had just gotten out from the subway and it was the worst storm ever! Ok , storm is not the correct word. But it was soooo windy! I mean it's not a long way from the subway to our school, but we were covered in snow by the time we got there. And we were walking faced to the ground so we walked into people...It was an adventure not to speak of...But the day ended good, after our last test this semester we got out at around 15.30 and the snow was falling lightly and it was dark. For once it was a lot of snow in the city. It usually melts away. But now it was like 1 dm (3inches)
Out here it's even more. I love it, and specially that I don't have to shovel! :D I wanna go sledding...Maybe I'll manage to convince someone :D
One subject to another, my english exam thingie!
I finished it last week, it felt pretty good. But my teacher is slow as a snail so he haven't corrected it yet. But next year I'll know ;)
Tomorrow the christmas vacation starts. I have a feeling that I'm gonna have something to do pretty much every day, and if I don't I'll find something to do.
It begins with that me and some friends are going to Clara's and we'll bake Lussebullar(saffron buns) and gingerbread cookies and Knäck(?) and we'll spend the night.
Tuesday me and my mom are going to grandma :D Totally excited! We'll stay there to 25th or 26th. And that's when we're celebrating christmas here at my dad's.
Two days later I'm headed to Uppsala for the youth camp!!!!!! Can't even imagine how amazing it will be. dec 28th - jan 1st. We will be pretty much dead, but the 2nd some of us are going on a hockey game! After that it's a week left and who knows what will happen? I don't :) I'm happily unaware. If that makes sense on English? (Lyckligt ovetande!)
That's it for now :)
torsdag 5 november 2009
Kebab ftw!
I think I'm spending too much time with Peppe (Petter J)...
He's all obsessed with Kebab and replaces the word Good with Kebab.
And guess what? I'm catching myself doing the same thing...
I mean, it's a good expression, kebab is the shiet!
But you get some pretty strange looks when u say it...
Though that's nothing compared to when my face was green on the subway...
We were going to a halloween party, i wanted to be green in my face. So I painted it green.
So of course the not so smart Mathilda paints it before the party and travels with both bus and subway all green. Don't get me wrong it was hilarious, i mean people's it was fun :D
It was all worth it in the end when I won the title "Most extreme".
Next week I'm doing one of the three parts so I wont have to take english A anymore.
Part one's gonna be the national exam. Part two and three are talking things which are in December. I don't think it's gonna be too hard. You can't really study for the N.E. And for the second part it's a book review, I chose The Shack, my favorite book. Part three is to tell about and english speaking that's hard wonder which i'm gonna choose??
Wow i suck at this, there's all kinds of things going on but i suck at writing them down...
So this is it for now.
He's all obsessed with Kebab and replaces the word Good with Kebab.
And guess what? I'm catching myself doing the same thing...
I mean, it's a good expression, kebab is the shiet!
But you get some pretty strange looks when u say it...
Though that's nothing compared to when my face was green on the subway...
We were going to a halloween party, i wanted to be green in my face. So I painted it green.
So of course the not so smart Mathilda paints it before the party and travels with both bus and subway all green. Don't get me wrong it was hilarious, i mean people's it was fun :D
It was all worth it in the end when I won the title "Most extreme".
Next week I'm doing one of the three parts so I wont have to take english A anymore.
Part one's gonna be the national exam. Part two and three are talking things which are in December. I don't think it's gonna be too hard. You can't really study for the N.E. And for the second part it's a book review, I chose The Shack, my favorite book. Part three is to tell about and english speaking that's hard wonder which i'm gonna choose??
Wow i suck at this, there's all kinds of things going on but i suck at writing them down...
So this is it for now.
måndag 24 augusti 2009
Stockholm Internationella Restaurangskola 1A.
Av någon outgrundlig anledning hamnar jag alltid i klass A. Asbäst helt enkelt.
Skolan började i onsdags med upprop och lite sånt.
Skojar inte när jag säger att jag var sjukt nervös. Även dom två dagarna efter.
Idag var första dagen med lektioner.
Fast riktiga lektioner var det ju inte, mest genomgångar om Kallkök,varmkök och servering.
Vi är 30 i klassen. Ganska många så gäng har ju skapats fort som ögat. Knappt så man hängde med.
Schemat är helnajs och klassen verkar bra efter vad man sett efter bara några dagar.
Helt klart bättre än nian.
Skolan har en elevrestaurang, alltså där allmänheten får äta och där vi arbetar.
Vår klass är där på måndagar hela dagen.
Min grupp börjar med Varmkök på måndag, veckan efter blir det servering,sedan kallkök.
Så går det runt.
Jag kommer lära mig jätte massor ser det ut som efter att ha kollat på planeringen.
Hur kul som helst.
Nu har även tvåorna och treorna kommit. Får se om vi blir nollade ;)
Av någon outgrundlig anledning hamnar jag alltid i klass A. Asbäst helt enkelt.
Skolan började i onsdags med upprop och lite sånt.
Skojar inte när jag säger att jag var sjukt nervös. Även dom två dagarna efter.
Idag var första dagen med lektioner.
Fast riktiga lektioner var det ju inte, mest genomgångar om Kallkök,varmkök och servering.
Vi är 30 i klassen. Ganska många så gäng har ju skapats fort som ögat. Knappt så man hängde med.
Schemat är helnajs och klassen verkar bra efter vad man sett efter bara några dagar.
Helt klart bättre än nian.
Skolan har en elevrestaurang, alltså där allmänheten får äta och där vi arbetar.
Vår klass är där på måndagar hela dagen.
Min grupp börjar med Varmkök på måndag, veckan efter blir det servering,sedan kallkök.
Så går det runt.
Jag kommer lära mig jätte massor ser det ut som efter att ha kollat på planeringen.
Hur kul som helst.
Nu har även tvåorna och treorna kommit. Får se om vi blir nollade ;)
fredag 7 augusti 2009
notes of change
It's been 2 months in nine days.
After the year I've had, I'm glad to be home.
To be home with old and new friends.
The summer has been busy. Though I wish it was longer, the favorite thing just lasted for 5 days.
The Christian camp I went on. The same as last year.
But even better. More people I already knew and that I got to know.
Better seminars, music etc.
As typical swedish summer it was raining pretty much every day.
Did it matter? No.
Too meet the amazing people that I haven't met for about a year was the thing I've been longing for for so long.
For two years I've been wanting to be help-leader at a confirmation camp in Transtrand Soo bad and the summer 2010 is my last chance.
But what I would want even more is that my little brother will go there this summer.
"Give up Mathilda, there's no point of trying" Maybe not, but I still will.
Before I went on this camp 2007, I Really didn't want to go. I did everything I could so I wouldn't have to go. I mean, a summer without cell-phone,computer and t.v. "Are they trying to kill us? a month in the forest totally outside the civilisation. Tempting? For sure not! I mean just the names tells me that they're all geeks. Everyone's christians but me. Great times Great times"
Great attitude to that camp huh? But after all my tries I was on my way.
I didn't like it too much in the beginning but I gave it a chance.
It turned out to be the Best thing I've done.
Then the camps I've been to afterwords have made it much better, though many people haven't been with us to these camps. It's up to each person.
Some people still weren't Christians after the confirmation camp, but it was the best way to spend their summer. And not a total waste as so many people thought.
After the year I've had, I'm glad to be home.
To be home with old and new friends.
The summer has been busy. Though I wish it was longer, the favorite thing just lasted for 5 days.
The Christian camp I went on. The same as last year.
But even better. More people I already knew and that I got to know.
Better seminars, music etc.
As typical swedish summer it was raining pretty much every day.
Did it matter? No.
Too meet the amazing people that I haven't met for about a year was the thing I've been longing for for so long.
For two years I've been wanting to be help-leader at a confirmation camp in Transtrand Soo bad and the summer 2010 is my last chance.
But what I would want even more is that my little brother will go there this summer.
"Give up Mathilda, there's no point of trying" Maybe not, but I still will.
Before I went on this camp 2007, I Really didn't want to go. I did everything I could so I wouldn't have to go. I mean, a summer without cell-phone,computer and t.v. "Are they trying to kill us? a month in the forest totally outside the civilisation. Tempting? For sure not! I mean just the names tells me that they're all geeks. Everyone's christians but me. Great times Great times"
Great attitude to that camp huh? But after all my tries I was on my way.
I didn't like it too much in the beginning but I gave it a chance.
It turned out to be the Best thing I've done.
Then the camps I've been to afterwords have made it much better, though many people haven't been with us to these camps. It's up to each person.
Some people still weren't Christians after the confirmation camp, but it was the best way to spend their summer. And not a total waste as so many people thought.
söndag 7 juni 2009
A blue ocean of to be Alumni 2009.
Line up girls on one side and boys on the other. Starting with top 10, followed by High honors(GPA 3.5-),honors(me)(3.0-3.5) and the rest(high enough to graduate).
Slowly the lines start moving inside.
We get to the doors and stop. One at the time.
To walk down the aisle to the seats for Class of 09.
Girls boys every other row.
Face the audience.
Last graduate is standing on place and we turn, still standing.
Principal talks and let us sit.
He talks more and thanks everyone and introduces the student holding a speech. Christina Young.
When she was done, principal took over and we started walking up on stage to receive our "diploma". It was the thing to put our diploma in later.
The choir stood aside to wait to sing "Alma mater".
It was quick and then down to our seats again.
Two seconds later we were to stand again and turn against the audience.
"This is the alumni of 2009" and so on.
The friends and family were clapping and one after another started to stand up.
What a feeling.
We started walking out just to stand in line to get our diploma.
More pictures.
And theen we went to the Banana boat! Huge ice creams there! my oh my.
We ordered Banana splits. Elisa didn't know how big it is so she ordered a large one for herself. Gah. Me and Heather bought one together and we didn't even finish it.
Alumni of 2009.
Line up girls on one side and boys on the other. Starting with top 10, followed by High honors(GPA 3.5-),honors(me)(3.0-3.5) and the rest(high enough to graduate).
Slowly the lines start moving inside.
We get to the doors and stop. One at the time.
To walk down the aisle to the seats for Class of 09.
Girls boys every other row.
Face the audience.
Last graduate is standing on place and we turn, still standing.
Principal talks and let us sit.
He talks more and thanks everyone and introduces the student holding a speech. Christina Young.
When she was done, principal took over and we started walking up on stage to receive our "diploma". It was the thing to put our diploma in later.
The choir stood aside to wait to sing "Alma mater".
It was quick and then down to our seats again.
Two seconds later we were to stand again and turn against the audience.
"This is the alumni of 2009" and so on.
The friends and family were clapping and one after another started to stand up.
What a feeling.
We started walking out just to stand in line to get our diploma.
More pictures.
And theen we went to the Banana boat! Huge ice creams there! my oh my.
We ordered Banana splits. Elisa didn't know how big it is so she ordered a large one for herself. Gah. Me and Heather bought one together and we didn't even finish it.
Alumni of 2009.
fredag 5 juni 2009
June 6th
It's Sweden's national day tomorrow.
Though my focus will not be on that.
It's also Graduation for Kearsley High.
Alumni of 2009.
It's been ceremonies for different awards the whole week.
Tuesday was Choir. Where I got a Letter, pin and a plack.
Wednesday was Senior athletic award. I got a plack and sport picture slide show.
Thursday was Honors convocation. They called the f.e.s up on stage and gave us a sweatshirt (ugly) and then as Honor I got another plack.
Today friday was only rehearsal for the graduation ceremony tomorrow.
The f.e.s was not supposed to get cords.
My host mom had fought for it last year and they said yes, but changed their minds and said no. Though Agatha from Brazil had gotten it.
She asked me why I didn't have any. Well we weren't supposed to.
But we went some of the teachers and higher staff at KHS and asked if I could get it too.
They went to ask the principle and he said no you're not supposed to (big news huh). But since we two were the only f.e.s that were honors,(there's high honors-white, honors-yellow and the rest-none)we got it too. But we were not to tell other f.e.s that's coming there in future years.
Was I happy or what? Of course! It's a Big deal.
So tomorrow, I will no longer be a student at Kearsley High School. I will be a part of alumni 2009.
Though my focus will not be on that.
It's also Graduation for Kearsley High.
Alumni of 2009.
It's been ceremonies for different awards the whole week.
Tuesday was Choir. Where I got a Letter, pin and a plack.
Wednesday was Senior athletic award. I got a plack and sport picture slide show.
Thursday was Honors convocation. They called the f.e.s up on stage and gave us a sweatshirt (ugly) and then as Honor I got another plack.
Today friday was only rehearsal for the graduation ceremony tomorrow.
The f.e.s was not supposed to get cords.
My host mom had fought for it last year and they said yes, but changed their minds and said no. Though Agatha from Brazil had gotten it.
She asked me why I didn't have any. Well we weren't supposed to.
But we went some of the teachers and higher staff at KHS and asked if I could get it too.
They went to ask the principle and he said no you're not supposed to (big news huh). But since we two were the only f.e.s that were honors,(there's high honors-white, honors-yellow and the rest-none)we got it too. But we were not to tell other f.e.s that's coming there in future years.
Was I happy or what? Of course! It's a Big deal.
So tomorrow, I will no longer be a student at Kearsley High School. I will be a part of alumni 2009.
lördag 30 maj 2009
Help I need somebody Help
OK I'm screwed.
I packed the bag I have and weighed it, around 100lb(50kg)...So that would be two bags.
And I still got all my clothes left and other stuff.
To send a 60lb(30kg) box would cost over $200.
So what am I supposed to do? anyone?
I need Help.
I packed the bag I have and weighed it, around 100lb(50kg)...So that would be two bags.
And I still got all my clothes left and other stuff.
To send a 60lb(30kg) box would cost over $200.
So what am I supposed to do? anyone?
I need Help.
onsdag 27 maj 2009
everyone's happy but me.
school's over and i don't feel that happiness like everyone else.
probably cuz their 4 years in the same school is over and i've only been here one.
so i think its kinda sad.
so much things i could've done but didn't do.
nice with regret. love it. heck no.
last concert tonight. that one yesterday was ok so i hope this one's gonna be better.
but sad to say bye to everyone there too.
one exam tomorrow and one on friday, though not really any people i'm gonna miss much.
rather take like the gym exam than choir. though gym took it today so nvm.
anyways, less than three weeks now.
how do i feel? wtf knows.
school's over and i don't feel that happiness like everyone else.
probably cuz their 4 years in the same school is over and i've only been here one.
so i think its kinda sad.
so much things i could've done but didn't do.
nice with regret. love it. heck no.
last concert tonight. that one yesterday was ok so i hope this one's gonna be better.
but sad to say bye to everyone there too.
one exam tomorrow and one on friday, though not really any people i'm gonna miss much.
rather take like the gym exam than choir. though gym took it today so nvm.
anyways, less than three weeks now.
how do i feel? wtf knows.
tisdag 26 maj 2009
Sitting in the media center reading on
One of the bigger news " A swedish man in the military arrested a pirate" yeah so, why is that so much bigger than world wide crises?
Or that the pope got facebook. Wow he's really young now isn't he.
Getting facebook like everyone else.
These articles really makes you think that, isn't there other more important things to write about?I mean ,that the Red wings lost their game is Huge! Just kidding, though there are many much bigger and more important things to write about so people could be more aware of their world.
One of the bigger news " A swedish man in the military arrested a pirate" yeah so, why is that so much bigger than world wide crises?
Or that the pope got facebook. Wow he's really young now isn't he.
Getting facebook like everyone else.
These articles really makes you think that, isn't there other more important things to write about?I mean ,that the Red wings lost their game is Huge! Just kidding, though there are many much bigger and more important things to write about so people could be more aware of their world.
fredag 22 maj 2009
Metro champs x 3
Last year Kearsley was in the Big nine league, where all the big high schools play.
But since we "only" have aroudn 1200 students we had to move down to the Metro league.
In a way that was good, because now we can actually call ourselves good.
Ex. Kearsley hockey became metro champs.
And so did Golf after 46 year since last time.
And also Baseball.
Last night it was the last homegame in Baseball. I was there and it was my first.
It was interesting and actaully quiet fun.
So warm, but it was sweet.
Kearsley against Fenton.
It might have been a second game but I had to go to choir rehearsal for the spring concert next week. Tuesday and wednesday. All choirs together.
Concert choir, Treble singers and a capella.
Gotta go to class See ya!
But since we "only" have aroudn 1200 students we had to move down to the Metro league.
In a way that was good, because now we can actually call ourselves good.
Ex. Kearsley hockey became metro champs.
And so did Golf after 46 year since last time.
And also Baseball.
Last night it was the last homegame in Baseball. I was there and it was my first.
It was interesting and actaully quiet fun.
So warm, but it was sweet.
Kearsley against Fenton.
It might have been a second game but I had to go to choir rehearsal for the spring concert next week. Tuesday and wednesday. All choirs together.
Concert choir, Treble singers and a capella.
Gotta go to class See ya!
onsdag 13 maj 2009
I asked all my teachers if I have to take the exams or not. And guess what, I only have to take 3 out of 6. And it's the easiest ones too. Okey all of them are easy but yeah. I'm happy.
We played frisbee today in gym. It was a lot of fun, until it hit me in the forehead...
One of the Rose twins were standing like 2m from me and threw it and boom in my forehead. It freakin' hurt man!
They're giving several teachers "pink slip" 33 teachers from 5 schools are being laid off.
Teachers that has been less than 10 years at Kearsley is the ones getting a pink slip.
One of them is Mr. Redfearn. The really good choir teacher pretty much everyone loves.
So it's kinda sad. Though it's not for sure until when it's summerbreak but still. It's tough.
It's because many people get laid off, move, and not as many kids start Kearsley anymore. Then the school gets less money and have to lay off teachers. They get a certain amount of money per student so when it's big losses like this they get less money.
And they have to move PARO to Kearsley. PARO is a building where kids that are failing high school go to make up their work. Some students even wanna go there because they get smoke breaks and it's more relaxed and less people. Not no more it wont. The mess kids will stay in Kearsley in the same building. I'm glad I was here this year...
So who knows what will happen to Kearsley in a few years.
We played frisbee today in gym. It was a lot of fun, until it hit me in the forehead...
One of the Rose twins were standing like 2m from me and threw it and boom in my forehead. It freakin' hurt man!
They're giving several teachers "pink slip" 33 teachers from 5 schools are being laid off.
Teachers that has been less than 10 years at Kearsley is the ones getting a pink slip.
One of them is Mr. Redfearn. The really good choir teacher pretty much everyone loves.
So it's kinda sad. Though it's not for sure until when it's summerbreak but still. It's tough.
It's because many people get laid off, move, and not as many kids start Kearsley anymore. Then the school gets less money and have to lay off teachers. They get a certain amount of money per student so when it's big losses like this they get less money.
And they have to move PARO to Kearsley. PARO is a building where kids that are failing high school go to make up their work. Some students even wanna go there because they get smoke breaks and it's more relaxed and less people. Not no more it wont. The mess kids will stay in Kearsley in the same building. I'm glad I was here this year...
So who knows what will happen to Kearsley in a few years.
Kenzy kuu
Earlier today I was sitting on Heather's bed showing dad something on the computer.
And next to our bunk bed there's a dresser, maybe a meter high, it's a common place for Kenzy to sit. Also to jump from to my bed, the top bunk. She always makes it. Except for today. She took off but she didn't make it, she fell down on Heather's bed. She was so surprised! Like "I always make it what happened now? :o" cute little crazy cat :)
And next to our bunk bed there's a dresser, maybe a meter high, it's a common place for Kenzy to sit. Also to jump from to my bed, the top bunk. She always makes it. Except for today. She took off but she didn't make it, she fell down on Heather's bed. She was so surprised! Like "I always make it what happened now? :o" cute little crazy cat :)
söndag 10 maj 2009
Jeeeeerky I'm gonna miss you when i'm not around no more!
That chewy substance of yours. YUM.
Expensive of course...And pretty much extinct in Sweden.
What's up with that??
For real now, how will i survive?
I guess can buy elk jerky, but that's Far away as good as you beef jerky.
I realized that someone like oh i don't know a nosy person as my mom (:P) could think that i'm talking about a guy or somethin', but no. I'm actually talkin' about jerky. it's wonderful and addicting. People, export jerky to Sweden so I can survive! And please lower the prize...
That chewy substance of yours. YUM.
Expensive of course...And pretty much extinct in Sweden.
What's up with that??
For real now, how will i survive?
I guess can buy elk jerky, but that's Far away as good as you beef jerky.
I realized that someone like oh i don't know a nosy person as my mom (:P) could think that i'm talking about a guy or somethin', but no. I'm actually talkin' about jerky. it's wonderful and addicting. People, export jerky to Sweden so I can survive! And please lower the prize...
lördag 2 maj 2009
a broken radio
Since I've been here many Americans have asked me "What's the biggest difference between America and Sweden?" There's many differences, and the biggest one is hard to tell.
And I guess it defers from one to another. And from state to state and city to city. To give a general answer I would say the food.
But to give a list I would say, the food, school system, eating habits, what people do on their free time, transportation - also a huge difference, treating of animals, prizes etc etc.
I'm sure I could find a million things. So to mention a particular one would be to hard of a task.
Many people will probably ask me the same thing when I get home to Sweden. My answer will remain the same, "So many differences, it's difficult to decide".
While on the subject, going home.
Probably not the most popular answer people want to hear, but I'm not sure that I want too.
I'm aware that I don't have an option. If I had the a choice, what would it be? Stay or go home?
It will be so different. Will it be a good different to be back in "normal" ?
Just the feeling of feeling like this is strange.
Of course I will enjoy to come home and see everyone after being apart for so long and do things I've missed out on. Ex. going to places I regularly visited when I was younger.
And I guess it defers from one to another. And from state to state and city to city. To give a general answer I would say the food.
But to give a list I would say, the food, school system, eating habits, what people do on their free time, transportation - also a huge difference, treating of animals, prizes etc etc.
I'm sure I could find a million things. So to mention a particular one would be to hard of a task.
Many people will probably ask me the same thing when I get home to Sweden. My answer will remain the same, "So many differences, it's difficult to decide".
While on the subject, going home.
Probably not the most popular answer people want to hear, but I'm not sure that I want too.
I'm aware that I don't have an option. If I had the a choice, what would it be? Stay or go home?
It will be so different. Will it be a good different to be back in "normal" ?
Just the feeling of feeling like this is strange.
Of course I will enjoy to come home and see everyone after being apart for so long and do things I've missed out on. Ex. going to places I regularly visited when I was younger.
On the same time I will miss the new friends and family I've gotten throughout this year. The simple school as well, and the huge school spirit that we don't have in Sweden.
Sports in school etc.
I removed my countdown because evertime I saw it I got sad so I just had to remove it.
And the question constantly on my mind is, Have I done everything I could this year? I've done a lot , but there is many things I could've done. But instead of thinking "could've done" I try to think "have done" to have a more positive view on it.
There has been many rough times, very rough. But also many good ones.
If you think about it , a "normal" year in Sweden is like that as well.
Good and bad times. The roller coaster ride.
It might be just a teenagers life, somehow I doubt that. I believe that most people got up and down lifes. Not only us teens. If I'm right or wrong I can't say now since I haven't come to that part of my life yet. Soon enough I'll be there. It will go fast and suddenly I'm 30 and sitting here blogging again.
onsdag 29 april 2009
Just dance
This isn't what the blog was gonna be about but look what I just noticed!
Under where you type it says " Shortcuts : Press Ctrl with B = Bold" etc. I've been wondering how I get the letters bold so that's interesting. But now I also saw that you can click up by the tools. Of course I'm one of the slower ones to notice that.
To the topic.
Two big events. (who can ever guess what it is?)
Prom with capital letters.
And Melvin was born :) Mika & Daniel's long wanted baby. He's adorable.
Can't wait to see this little miracle of life.
So prom.
Weather casts said "sunny all day" what a lie :o
Sun and wind during the morning, and then BOOM! Rain and thunder. What a storm.
Storm or not, it was a must to take pictures.
We all met up at Jenny's house first to then take the limo to For Mar to take the pictures.
It was still dripping rain but not so we would get soaked.
We got some good pictures and we were on the road to the restaurant where we were going to eat. Segano. When we saw the sign me and Heather began to say Segano with different accents the favorite one was the "chinese" one . Saginaaw. (which actually is a place not far from here)Got our tables and made our orders. I wanted both chickena and shrimps and so did Heather so we decided to take both and share it. How do I describe the table? It was a big rectangle with a not very wide table around one long side and both short ones, and chairs around that. So when they chef was making the food we could see it, and he did a kind of show during it too.
Under where you type it says " Shortcuts : Press Ctrl with B = Bold" etc. I've been wondering how I get the letters bold so that's interesting. But now I also saw that you can click up by the tools. Of course I'm one of the slower ones to notice that.
To the topic.
Two big events. (who can ever guess what it is?)
Prom with capital letters.
And Melvin was born :) Mika & Daniel's long wanted baby. He's adorable.
Can't wait to see this little miracle of life.
So prom.
Weather casts said "sunny all day" what a lie :o
Sun and wind during the morning, and then BOOM! Rain and thunder. What a storm.
Storm or not, it was a must to take pictures.
We all met up at Jenny's house first to then take the limo to For Mar to take the pictures.
It was still dripping rain but not so we would get soaked.
We got some good pictures and we were on the road to the restaurant where we were going to eat. Segano. When we saw the sign me and Heather began to say Segano with different accents the favorite one was the "chinese" one . Saginaaw. (which actually is a place not far from here)Got our tables and made our orders. I wanted both chickena and shrimps and so did Heather so we decided to take both and share it. How do I describe the table? It was a big rectangle with a not very wide table around one long side and both short ones, and chairs around that. So when they chef was making the food we could see it, and he did a kind of show during it too.
Extremly fascinating and the food, I kept saying how wonderful it was. Because it really was, I've never had good food like that before. You never wanted it to end , just to continue eating that amazing food. But of course, it had to end. Not without a bathroom break. Us girls went in together and helped each other with the dresses while going to the toilet. Never done that before so it was quite and experience.
Back in the limo and it was now raining again. It wasn't very far from Kettering University where the Prom was held so it was a quick trip.We walked in and when we came up we noticed that Justin had dropped Heather's ticket...
So down to get the ticket that Mr Oaks had picked up.
In to the dance floor and Let's dance!
There was a table with fruit, chocolate fountain, punch etc etc.
Awesome night ! So much fun :)
So down to get the ticket that Mr Oaks had picked up.
In to the dance floor and Let's dance!
There was a table with fruit, chocolate fountain, punch etc etc.
Awesome night ! So much fun :)
lördag 25 april 2009
Prom -09
Sitting here waiting for Jenny G to finish Heather's hair and then do mine.
It's impressive how good she is. Both her and her sister got very long hair so she can try different hairstyles on herself and sister. She's really good, kinda like a hairdresser.
I guess the plans for today are ;
Prepare everything for prom and put it all on.
Go to Jenny C's house for pictures
Take the limo from her house to For mar a nature place, and take more pictures.
Limo all the way :)
So getting kinda excited for the whole thing now :D
Plus that Mika is delivering today! or maybe she already has I don't know but it's So exciting.
To see the little baby, boy or girl , name etc :)
Time flies by so fast...
It's impressive how good she is. Both her and her sister got very long hair so she can try different hairstyles on herself and sister. She's really good, kinda like a hairdresser.
I guess the plans for today are ;
Prepare everything for prom and put it all on.
Go to Jenny C's house for pictures
Take the limo from her house to For mar a nature place, and take more pictures.
Limo all the way :)
So getting kinda excited for the whole thing now :D
Plus that Mika is delivering today! or maybe she already has I don't know but it's So exciting.
To see the little baby, boy or girl , name etc :)
Time flies by so fast...
söndag 19 april 2009
Skip <3
Yesterday was in general a very good saturday.
Except for one thing.
We had to put Skip down.
He's been an outside dog ever since I came here but maybe 2 months ago we started to take him inside. That's when we for real noticed how sick he is. Took him to the vet several times but they didn't see at first what was wrong with him so they came with new things every visit.
The first reason why we took him there was because of his diarrhea that got fixed, than his cough.
The last visit said that he got worms inside of him that has been living there for a while and that stops something to his heart.
So the last maybe two weeks he poofed up so his stomach looked like a balloon and it was filled with fluid and worms. He threw up at least once everyday.
It was painful to see him, that he could hardly find peace to fall asleep at night and was breathing very heavy. So these weeks when he's been living inside I've gotten to know him.
Which made it much harder to say bye to him.
It wasn't hard at first, but when we stood there next to him and they put the shot into him, it hurt. And all I could think of, If it was my dogs, I don't know what I would do.
I wanted to cry, but not in front of Heather.
He was only 7 years old.
But it was better for him to be put down so he didn't have to be in pain.
R.I.P Skip
Except for one thing.
We had to put Skip down.
He's been an outside dog ever since I came here but maybe 2 months ago we started to take him inside. That's when we for real noticed how sick he is. Took him to the vet several times but they didn't see at first what was wrong with him so they came with new things every visit.
The first reason why we took him there was because of his diarrhea that got fixed, than his cough.
The last visit said that he got worms inside of him that has been living there for a while and that stops something to his heart.
So the last maybe two weeks he poofed up so his stomach looked like a balloon and it was filled with fluid and worms. He threw up at least once everyday.
It was painful to see him, that he could hardly find peace to fall asleep at night and was breathing very heavy. So these weeks when he's been living inside I've gotten to know him.
Which made it much harder to say bye to him.
It wasn't hard at first, but when we stood there next to him and they put the shot into him, it hurt. And all I could think of, If it was my dogs, I don't know what I would do.
I wanted to cry, but not in front of Heather.
He was only 7 years old.
But it was better for him to be put down so he didn't have to be in pain.
R.I.P Skip
torsdag 16 april 2009
I <3 L.A
A little update.
I'm not gonna write Everything but a few things about every day from the trip.
Saturday - Arrived to the hotel around 11.30 and Julie (Leaders were Julie and Susan) came down to meet me and showed me my room. 511. I was gonna share room with Lara - Germany(Michigan!!)Julie - Denmark and Elin - Norway (Michigan)
Sunday - Wake-up at 7 a.m . Down to breakfast. yuum! Fresh fruit and unsweetened oatmeal. And it made me So happy to see no clouds and Green grass. Wow the heat <3
Tour in L.A. Started at Venice beach and continued to Beverly Hills with a few stops in between and then to Farmers market for lunch, Melrose Avenue, Hollywood. I probably missed something but it was so much so i don't remember :o Anyway, the day ended with dinner in downtown L.A in a high house where the top was spinning slowly so you could see L.A while eating. And as a end we all went down to the inside pool and had fun.
Monday - Full day at Disneyland. We almost had 12 hours and we had time for like 5 or 6 rides! :o which means that the lines were Long. But we did a lot of other things too.
But a huuge disappointment was how small the castle is :o We thought it was gonna be big since it looks so big on pictures. But no, it was very small.
At night they have fireworks around the castle with a recording in the backround so it was like a story with the fireworks. I think all of us were pretty dead in the bus on the way back to the hotel. No time for swimming this night.
Tuesday - 6 / 7 hour ride to V E G A S !
Geez all the desert. Specially in Nevada. We made a stop in Santa Fe i guess still in California to eat. On to Vegas. We watched "What happens in Vegas" Funny movie ^^
Finally there, two hours to do what we wanted. Outside pool, guess where everyone was?
In our room, we just grabbed our bikini and ran down, we were the first ones there :P
Even warmer than L.A. Woow , love it. Swam a while and then tanning. What a tan for just that short amount of time! But we couldn't be there for long, time to get ready for tonights dinner and show. Buffé. we had an hour. How can we eat in that short time?? but we made it.
The show was "American superstars" Elvis, Michael Jackson, Christina Aguilera, Rod Stewart and some country person. Fake of course but really good.
This was in the Stratosphere. 900feet high. They have three rides on top.
One free fall thing, insanity - hanged out over the L.V strip and spinning around. and the third one was x-scream. Like a roller coaster kinda that tipped back and forth over the L.V strip. We went on that one. I for real thought i was gonna die before going on it...But then it turned out not to be to bad. I bought the picture and people told me i looked like winnie the pooh and that it was a compliment ? yeah okey haha.
Wednesday - Grand Canyon!
Three hour ride.
We passed Hoover Dam(big beautiful thing that President Hoover had made to make the economy better long time ago. Also a bridge seperating Nevada and Arizona)We Stoped at a ranch for lunch. Cool place.
After eating a guy mad card tricks, which seriously was imposible. All of us walked away amazed.
We could hang ourselves and shoot ourselves. I hanged myself.
This was by the edge of the canyon.
We took the bus to one of the two viewpoints "The eagle". It's an eagle shaped into the canyon. A big one. Really cool. We took a lot of pictures and took the bus to the other view point that i forgot the name of. It had a pyramid (by nature) that you could have a 360 degree view from.
Amazing. Never seen anything like it before. It truly was amazing.
For dinner we stoped at a food court back in Vegas and later we saw a water show at the hotel Bellagio. If you've seen Ocean eleven, in the end when they say their "secret goodbyes" that watershow is going on in the backround. Also inside of the hotel there was the worlds biggest chocholate fountain. We also "went lost" in the casino. We can't be there since we're to young but we walked thru it. Very fascinating.
Thursday - Last day. Tour down the Vegas strip.
Or first we stoped at the "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign and then to Las Vegas outlet.
So big and wonderful. I found a pair of Miss sixty jeans for $14 instead of $ 140...
Now, on to the strip. Just kidding we first went to a roller coaster and the worlds largest souviner shop. Then to the strip.
Forum shops where all the expensive shops were at. Tease not to be extremely wealthy...
It was sky in the ceiling so it looked like we were inside. It looked like it was mooving too which made it more realistic. In the Venitian hotel that we walked to was built like Venice inside. It really looked like Italy. The sky, houses, water , restaurants. All of it.
Very fascinating.
On the way back me and Elin decided to get Tattoos. Yes, tattoos. You love me mom right? (a)
So we continued down to another place.
Where another huge roller coaster in the hotel New York New York was at. Wow , uj what a roller coaster. Insane. Then we went to the M&M store. 4 floors. wooho. So sad to be the last day. On to dinner at a Brazilian restaurant in a big mall. So good food!
A little time to walk around the mall. Again the money tease...
We took the bus to Freemont street. Inside kinda tunnel i guess or something like that. It was a show in the ceiling. WOW. They were playing "We are the champions" and "We will rock you" It was like a show kinda in the ceileing. So cool.
We were all dancing around screaming. It was also a scene there so when the show was over they played music. And guess what they played "It's my life" with Bon Jovi. I don't know how you should know that just wrote it :P But it was Aaaaaawesome. Singing, jumping, dancing,screaming. What a perfect end!
In the bus back the music was on and we were all dancing in the eisle.
Non of us really wanted to go to bed, but at 2 we finally did :P So got a good 3 hours sleep ;)
Okey it got more than i thought, but once i start it's hard to stop and there's still so much more that happend...
I'm not gonna write Everything but a few things about every day from the trip.
Saturday - Arrived to the hotel around 11.30 and Julie (Leaders were Julie and Susan) came down to meet me and showed me my room. 511. I was gonna share room with Lara - Germany(Michigan!!)Julie - Denmark and Elin - Norway (Michigan)
Sunday - Wake-up at 7 a.m . Down to breakfast. yuum! Fresh fruit and unsweetened oatmeal. And it made me So happy to see no clouds and Green grass. Wow the heat <3
Tour in L.A. Started at Venice beach and continued to Beverly Hills with a few stops in between and then to Farmers market for lunch, Melrose Avenue, Hollywood. I probably missed something but it was so much so i don't remember :o Anyway, the day ended with dinner in downtown L.A in a high house where the top was spinning slowly so you could see L.A while eating. And as a end we all went down to the inside pool and had fun.
Monday - Full day at Disneyland. We almost had 12 hours and we had time for like 5 or 6 rides! :o which means that the lines were Long. But we did a lot of other things too.
But a huuge disappointment was how small the castle is :o We thought it was gonna be big since it looks so big on pictures. But no, it was very small.
At night they have fireworks around the castle with a recording in the backround so it was like a story with the fireworks. I think all of us were pretty dead in the bus on the way back to the hotel. No time for swimming this night.
Tuesday - 6 / 7 hour ride to V E G A S !
Geez all the desert. Specially in Nevada. We made a stop in Santa Fe i guess still in California to eat. On to Vegas. We watched "What happens in Vegas" Funny movie ^^
Finally there, two hours to do what we wanted. Outside pool, guess where everyone was?
In our room, we just grabbed our bikini and ran down, we were the first ones there :P
Even warmer than L.A. Woow , love it. Swam a while and then tanning. What a tan for just that short amount of time! But we couldn't be there for long, time to get ready for tonights dinner and show. Buffé. we had an hour. How can we eat in that short time?? but we made it.
The show was "American superstars" Elvis, Michael Jackson, Christina Aguilera, Rod Stewart and some country person. Fake of course but really good.
This was in the Stratosphere. 900feet high. They have three rides on top.
One free fall thing, insanity - hanged out over the L.V strip and spinning around. and the third one was x-scream. Like a roller coaster kinda that tipped back and forth over the L.V strip. We went on that one. I for real thought i was gonna die before going on it...But then it turned out not to be to bad. I bought the picture and people told me i looked like winnie the pooh and that it was a compliment ? yeah okey haha.
Wednesday - Grand Canyon!
Three hour ride.
We passed Hoover Dam(big beautiful thing that President Hoover had made to make the economy better long time ago. Also a bridge seperating Nevada and Arizona)We Stoped at a ranch for lunch. Cool place.
After eating a guy mad card tricks, which seriously was imposible. All of us walked away amazed.
We could hang ourselves and shoot ourselves. I hanged myself.
This was by the edge of the canyon.
We took the bus to one of the two viewpoints "The eagle". It's an eagle shaped into the canyon. A big one. Really cool. We took a lot of pictures and took the bus to the other view point that i forgot the name of. It had a pyramid (by nature) that you could have a 360 degree view from.
Amazing. Never seen anything like it before. It truly was amazing.
For dinner we stoped at a food court back in Vegas and later we saw a water show at the hotel Bellagio. If you've seen Ocean eleven, in the end when they say their "secret goodbyes" that watershow is going on in the backround. Also inside of the hotel there was the worlds biggest chocholate fountain. We also "went lost" in the casino. We can't be there since we're to young but we walked thru it. Very fascinating.
Thursday - Last day. Tour down the Vegas strip.
Or first we stoped at the "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign and then to Las Vegas outlet.
So big and wonderful. I found a pair of Miss sixty jeans for $14 instead of $ 140...
Now, on to the strip. Just kidding we first went to a roller coaster and the worlds largest souviner shop. Then to the strip.
Forum shops where all the expensive shops were at. Tease not to be extremely wealthy...
It was sky in the ceiling so it looked like we were inside. It looked like it was mooving too which made it more realistic. In the Venitian hotel that we walked to was built like Venice inside. It really looked like Italy. The sky, houses, water , restaurants. All of it.
Very fascinating.
On the way back me and Elin decided to get Tattoos. Yes, tattoos. You love me mom right? (a)
So we continued down to another place.
Where another huge roller coaster in the hotel New York New York was at. Wow , uj what a roller coaster. Insane. Then we went to the M&M store. 4 floors. wooho. So sad to be the last day. On to dinner at a Brazilian restaurant in a big mall. So good food!
A little time to walk around the mall. Again the money tease...
We took the bus to Freemont street. Inside kinda tunnel i guess or something like that. It was a show in the ceiling. WOW. They were playing "We are the champions" and "We will rock you" It was like a show kinda in the ceileing. So cool.
We were all dancing around screaming. It was also a scene there so when the show was over they played music. And guess what they played "It's my life" with Bon Jovi. I don't know how you should know that just wrote it :P But it was Aaaaaawesome. Singing, jumping, dancing,screaming. What a perfect end!
In the bus back the music was on and we were all dancing in the eisle.
Non of us really wanted to go to bed, but at 2 we finally did :P So got a good 3 hours sleep ;)
Okey it got more than i thought, but once i start it's hard to stop and there's still so much more that happend...
lördag 4 april 2009
Skills på top!
Wow, I'm feeling lucky today.
I had seen the wrong time when my plane was leaving so we came to late.
On the way there, two trains were passing, took between 5-10 min, not even kidding so slow.
It was a great morning! Oh yeah, it began with me oversleeping too...
But he managed to change my flight without extra cost and now it's only gonna be one change instead of two.
So I'm missing some things today, but it's better than going tomorrow which was an option too.
Good job Mattahari!!
Yesterday we celebrated Heather cuz it's her b-day tomorrow and I wont be here.
It was a surprise that was kinda ruined but it was a lot of fun we went to fuddruckers where they have Big and very good burgers and other things ofc.
Her brother sister were there, rhea's aunt w/ family and our family.
It was a great time. After that we all went to see the school musical which was this year Oklahoma. Heather plays in the pit-band first flute. It was a really good play, it was funny and the actors are really good. Then what Heather didn't know was that we were all going to our house for ice cream cake. She was told that she was going with her sister for ice cream, but no ;)
It was a lot of fun.
Done with swimming for this time. Too bad, I really liked it.
I had seen the wrong time when my plane was leaving so we came to late.
On the way there, two trains were passing, took between 5-10 min, not even kidding so slow.
It was a great morning! Oh yeah, it began with me oversleeping too...
But he managed to change my flight without extra cost and now it's only gonna be one change instead of two.
So I'm missing some things today, but it's better than going tomorrow which was an option too.
Good job Mattahari!!
Yesterday we celebrated Heather cuz it's her b-day tomorrow and I wont be here.
It was a surprise that was kinda ruined but it was a lot of fun we went to fuddruckers where they have Big and very good burgers and other things ofc.
Her brother sister were there, rhea's aunt w/ family and our family.
It was a great time. After that we all went to see the school musical which was this year Oklahoma. Heather plays in the pit-band first flute. It was a really good play, it was funny and the actors are really good. Then what Heather didn't know was that we were all going to our house for ice cream cake. She was told that she was going with her sister for ice cream, but no ;)
It was a lot of fun.
Done with swimming for this time. Too bad, I really liked it.
måndag 30 mars 2009
You got the hick-ups in Sweden?
I didn't get the question but another friend did...
What do you answer to that? No it's an American thing .
Just like twins, that's a question I did get. We have them in Sweden too.
Don't know what to write but I'm sure it will be something.
We're watching two movies in two classes, both about segregation and when America became desegregated. Two very good movies. One of them is "Remember the Titans" so funny and good message. Haven't seen the end yet though.
My dear shin splints are still here, so I can't run.
Kinda looks like my plan to be fit for beach wont come true :P
Hopefully they'll be good soon when I for once get the motivation to do it.
Swimming in gym right now boy am I happy.
It's so much fun :)
And SOON I'm home! Or before that it will be California,Prom and Graduation but Then!
What do you answer to that? No it's an American thing .
Just like twins, that's a question I did get. We have them in Sweden too.
Don't know what to write but I'm sure it will be something.
We're watching two movies in two classes, both about segregation and when America became desegregated. Two very good movies. One of them is "Remember the Titans" so funny and good message. Haven't seen the end yet though.
My dear shin splints are still here, so I can't run.
Kinda looks like my plan to be fit for beach wont come true :P
Hopefully they'll be good soon when I for once get the motivation to do it.
Swimming in gym right now boy am I happy.
It's so much fun :)
And SOON I'm home! Or before that it will be California,Prom and Graduation but Then!
onsdag 25 mars 2009
I've gotten shin splints!
How nice, and it's only us out-of-shape-people who gets it.
I feel lucky.
For you who don't know what it is,
It's pain next to the shin(smalben) that is caused of the thin muscle over it is rubbed against it while running when not used to it so the muscle starts bleeding every time you run.
Then you just stretch and stretch and stretch some more and put ice on it.
I've felt it since like last week, but not until yesterday it started hurting while running.
So , no running for me today. Gonna try it tomorrow though.
Sometimes we play Flickerball in gym. It's a mix of football and basketball and you play it with a football. Which I've never been good at catching so I was happy so long they didn't pass it to me. Even though if a girl scores it's double the points since we're not that many girls in the class and the ones that are aren't motivated. Anyway, so to score you either hit the backboard 1-2p or the hoop 3-6p. In the end of our second game , it was like one minute left or something, this one guy passes it to me, and I catch it which just that is a big thing, and everyone surrounds me specially max that's like on me, but the guy who passed to me pushed him away so I threw it, and first it hit the backboard(wow) and then boom down in the hoop ! I was in shock , it was amazing :D
Only 9 days till California now. Jajks! Getting nervous.
How nice, and it's only us out-of-shape-people who gets it.
I feel lucky.
For you who don't know what it is,
It's pain next to the shin(smalben) that is caused of the thin muscle over it is rubbed against it while running when not used to it so the muscle starts bleeding every time you run.
Then you just stretch and stretch and stretch some more and put ice on it.
I've felt it since like last week, but not until yesterday it started hurting while running.
So , no running for me today. Gonna try it tomorrow though.
Sometimes we play Flickerball in gym. It's a mix of football and basketball and you play it with a football. Which I've never been good at catching so I was happy so long they didn't pass it to me. Even though if a girl scores it's double the points since we're not that many girls in the class and the ones that are aren't motivated. Anyway, so to score you either hit the backboard 1-2p or the hoop 3-6p. In the end of our second game , it was like one minute left or something, this one guy passes it to me, and I catch it which just that is a big thing, and everyone surrounds me specially max that's like on me, but the guy who passed to me pushed him away so I threw it, and first it hit the backboard(wow) and then boom down in the hoop ! I was in shock , it was amazing :D
Only 9 days till California now. Jajks! Getting nervous.
söndag 22 mars 2009
Bounce bounce BOUNCE
Trampolines and water is like what makes me most happy and attaches a big smile on my face.
Yesterday Ashlee & Heather put up a trampoline here in our yard.
It was too dark then to jump so me and Heather started when we got home from church today.
Which was unusual good, it wasn't the same pastor it was another guy and he was really good.
But, back to the subject. And we were laughing the whole time!
We haven't laughed like that for so long , it was really refreshing and leg aching.
A break for movie and then dinner, and back out bouncing with now also Josh, Heather's brother.
You can not spend time with him without laughing oh my word we couldn't control our jumping while laughing so much.
Then Tyler (Ashlee's boyfriend) came out and was watching us bouncing around and trying to pull our legs so we would fall.
Well of course he managed to do it to me. He came behind and I didn't see him so it was totally uncall for and poff down was I kissing the trampoline.
Good thing we had peed before it was definitely needed, who knows what would've happen without it.
If I continue like this with track and trampoline I'll be in shape before you know it!
Now it's just hurting...But it's good pain!
It sounds stupid I know, on the other hand, after a good work-out even if it hurts the day after it's good pain and a sign that your body has been working = Good pain.
And if I'm gonna laugh like that every time I jump abs will be showing here soon as well. Prolly not . Even when I was jumping alone I caught myself laughing at how stupid I looked.
P.S I'm pro on mashed potatoes! Always a good skill
Mathilda som studsar ut slut
Yesterday Ashlee & Heather put up a trampoline here in our yard.
It was too dark then to jump so me and Heather started when we got home from church today.
Which was unusual good, it wasn't the same pastor it was another guy and he was really good.
But, back to the subject. And we were laughing the whole time!
We haven't laughed like that for so long , it was really refreshing and leg aching.
A break for movie and then dinner, and back out bouncing with now also Josh, Heather's brother.
You can not spend time with him without laughing oh my word we couldn't control our jumping while laughing so much.
Then Tyler (Ashlee's boyfriend) came out and was watching us bouncing around and trying to pull our legs so we would fall.
Well of course he managed to do it to me. He came behind and I didn't see him so it was totally uncall for and poff down was I kissing the trampoline.
Good thing we had peed before it was definitely needed, who knows what would've happen without it.
If I continue like this with track and trampoline I'll be in shape before you know it!
Now it's just hurting...But it's good pain!
It sounds stupid I know, on the other hand, after a good work-out even if it hurts the day after it's good pain and a sign that your body has been working = Good pain.
And if I'm gonna laugh like that every time I jump abs will be showing here soon as well. Prolly not . Even when I was jumping alone I caught myself laughing at how stupid I looked.
P.S I'm pro on mashed potatoes! Always a good skill
Mathilda som studsar ut slut
måndag 16 mars 2009
An apple a day will keep the doctor away
If that was true I wouldn't have this cold still.
I wish I was a good blogger and writer. Sometimes it happens, but those moments are few.
Back to track today and it was outside! Warm like a summer day. Up around 60's which is about 15 Celsius I guess. Which is very warm compared to below zero that we've had for a Long period of time now. That might be the reason why I'm constantly sick, the insane weather changes.
I used to believe that Sweden had weather swings like a women on her period, but that is nothing compared to Michigan that is like a pregnant women. And we all know that they got some crazy mood swings ;) One day it's +15 the other day it's -15. How are we ever supposed to know how to dress? One day is never the same as the one before.
I guess that's true in many ways. Both weather and mood wise. And other ways too.
It's kinda sad when I notice that I forget certain Swedish words. I didn't think that would happen or be possible but it is and people tease me about it :P
It is somewhat fun but it will be hard if it will stick with me when school starts.
That I btw haven't decided where to go yet or what to major in.
Extremely hard decision. And you don't wanna make the wrong one.
I'm reading this book the Shack.
I wish I could talk about it because it's very interesting but I can't spoil it if anyone else is going to read it. I recommend for everyone to read it though. Trust me, you will get something to think about. So I guess if you're not really a thinker, then it's nothing for you ;)
I wish I was a good blogger and writer. Sometimes it happens, but those moments are few.
Back to track today and it was outside! Warm like a summer day. Up around 60's which is about 15 Celsius I guess. Which is very warm compared to below zero that we've had for a Long period of time now. That might be the reason why I'm constantly sick, the insane weather changes.
I used to believe that Sweden had weather swings like a women on her period, but that is nothing compared to Michigan that is like a pregnant women. And we all know that they got some crazy mood swings ;) One day it's +15 the other day it's -15. How are we ever supposed to know how to dress? One day is never the same as the one before.
I guess that's true in many ways. Both weather and mood wise. And other ways too.
It's kinda sad when I notice that I forget certain Swedish words. I didn't think that would happen or be possible but it is and people tease me about it :P
It is somewhat fun but it will be hard if it will stick with me when school starts.
That I btw haven't decided where to go yet or what to major in.
Extremely hard decision. And you don't wanna make the wrong one.
I'm reading this book the Shack.
I wish I could talk about it because it's very interesting but I can't spoil it if anyone else is going to read it. I recommend for everyone to read it though. Trust me, you will get something to think about. So I guess if you're not really a thinker, then it's nothing for you ;)
måndag 9 mars 2009
It must be my lucky day
I would certainly say so.
Starts out with oversleeping, but hey we made it in time!
Cool presentations by peeps in psychology.
Worried about track all day but it turned out great!
So now ladies and gentlemen, Mathilda has started Track(friidrott) and wont eat candy/snacks and she will eat healthier. Or at least try, she's still in the states... ;)
She comes home and what does she hear? HER HOST MOM HAS GOTTEN A JOB!!!!
Wow, it's amazing :D Everyone is super excited, it's taken a while but now it's here.
And she walks about 5 miles / day and eats healthier which has made her much happier which is an Awesome and necessary thing for this family.
I'm going to California in 25 days! WOW can seriously hardly realize's insane.
And , before I went to bed I called my mom to congratulate her :D
Boy wasn't she surprised when the phone rang 04.40??
But we talked for about a half an hour. Great! I kinda knew she wouldn't get upset so I think we were on each line with huge smiles on our faces. Or at least I know I was ;)
So, I'm proud to say that I congratulated her first on her b-day ! :D hihi
Well going to bed now c ya!
Starts out with oversleeping, but hey we made it in time!
Cool presentations by peeps in psychology.
Worried about track all day but it turned out great!
So now ladies and gentlemen, Mathilda has started Track(friidrott) and wont eat candy/snacks and she will eat healthier. Or at least try, she's still in the states... ;)
She comes home and what does she hear? HER HOST MOM HAS GOTTEN A JOB!!!!
Wow, it's amazing :D Everyone is super excited, it's taken a while but now it's here.
And she walks about 5 miles / day and eats healthier which has made her much happier which is an Awesome and necessary thing for this family.
I'm going to California in 25 days! WOW can seriously hardly realize's insane.
And , before I went to bed I called my mom to congratulate her :D
Boy wasn't she surprised when the phone rang 04.40??
But we talked for about a half an hour. Great! I kinda knew she wouldn't get upset so I think we were on each line with huge smiles on our faces. Or at least I know I was ;)
So, I'm proud to say that I congratulated her first on her b-day ! :D hihi
Well going to bed now c ya!
söndag 8 mars 2009
Oh my word!
It makes me so mad.
Laura told me about an article she read that was about a man who let his dog freeze to death and get stuck to the ground! And, they're not even pressing charges on him!
How can that be acceptable??
That's sick.
Actually, Skip the dog here, we bathed him, twice, and let him sleep in the house all weekend.
I feel so sorry for him though.
Diarrhea for a few years and live in a dirty cage with rarely clean water and hardly any walks.
And he lives there all year around. He's not a pretty dog, but he got a great dogality.
Heather used to train him so he knows how to behave, but now she doesn't care anymore.
I wish I could save him but how? If a dog shelter takes him they'll put him down since he's not a pup anymore.
Why do some people treat animals so Wrong??
It makes me so mad.
Laura told me about an article she read that was about a man who let his dog freeze to death and get stuck to the ground! And, they're not even pressing charges on him!
How can that be acceptable??
That's sick.
Actually, Skip the dog here, we bathed him, twice, and let him sleep in the house all weekend.
I feel so sorry for him though.
Diarrhea for a few years and live in a dirty cage with rarely clean water and hardly any walks.
And he lives there all year around. He's not a pretty dog, but he got a great dogality.
Heather used to train him so he knows how to behave, but now she doesn't care anymore.
I wish I could save him but how? If a dog shelter takes him they'll put him down since he's not a pup anymore.
Why do some people treat animals so Wrong??
fredag 6 mars 2009
You should've seen it!
Everyone in KHS was walking around in spring clothes.
Because, after a loooong time with below freezing, it was up to over 60 degrees which is about 15 celsius. Wow, it was wonderful. Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for this?
Walk out in 3/4 pants and a top and not freeze. Then come home and sit outside reading a very good book. "The Shack" Got for christmas from my aunt :D And since I get interrupted every time I try to read I don't get very far. But so far it's very good and I really wanna find out more.
Such a good writer.
Me and my American mom also decided to surprise Heather thru bathing her dog.
Wow, he smelled. A bath was definitely in its place.
So tonight he's actually gonna sleep inside.
Which never happens. He get's to sleep in a dirty cage with diarrhea.
But nice as I am I decided to boil water and let it cool and see if it might help.
I know it worked on our dogs so maybe.
People keep telling him how ugly and horrible he is, but I really like him.
Not the cutest dog but he for sure has a dogality.
Spring is loveable
Spring is spring
But if I know Michigan right, this is not the beginning of spring.
Because, after a loooong time with below freezing, it was up to over 60 degrees which is about 15 celsius. Wow, it was wonderful. Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for this?
Walk out in 3/4 pants and a top and not freeze. Then come home and sit outside reading a very good book. "The Shack" Got for christmas from my aunt :D And since I get interrupted every time I try to read I don't get very far. But so far it's very good and I really wanna find out more.
Such a good writer.
Me and my American mom also decided to surprise Heather thru bathing her dog.
Wow, he smelled. A bath was definitely in its place.
So tonight he's actually gonna sleep inside.
Which never happens. He get's to sleep in a dirty cage with diarrhea.
But nice as I am I decided to boil water and let it cool and see if it might help.
I know it worked on our dogs so maybe.
People keep telling him how ugly and horrible he is, but I really like him.
Not the cutest dog but he for sure has a dogality.
Spring is loveable
Spring is spring
But if I know Michigan right, this is not the beginning of spring.
torsdag 5 mars 2009
Blev utmanad
Utmaning : Fick en utmaning av Jeanette, lite sent men bättre sent än aldrig!
1. Säg tre ställen på Internet du oftast besöker
Bilddagboken, Facebook, Blogspot
2. Sjunger du hemma eller i duschen?
Hemma, stackars min familj ^^
3. Kan du spela något instrument, vad?
Spelade ju gitarr och fiol men vad som hände med det vette fåglarna
4. Hur mycket tid lägger du ned på bloggande per dag ungefär?
Måste man ha en tid, olika från dag t dag
5. Vilken "kändis" läser eller har du läst mest av som bloggar?
6. Någon känd person du anser vara sympatisk och trevlig, en favorit?
Oj, ehm har ingen aning
7. Alla samlar på något, vad samlar du på?
Kunskap? Hoho vis man låter
8. Du måste välja - är du en mes eller en tuffing?
Skulle ju vilja säga tuffing men går med mes
9. Humor är roligt , nämn någon du gärna ser eller lyssnar på, TV, film?
Johan Glans
10. Nämn ett intresse du har som är lite annorlunda eller udda?
Skulle ju utamana folk men det får vara.
1. Säg tre ställen på Internet du oftast besöker
Bilddagboken, Facebook, Blogspot
2. Sjunger du hemma eller i duschen?
Hemma, stackars min familj ^^
3. Kan du spela något instrument, vad?
Spelade ju gitarr och fiol men vad som hände med det vette fåglarna
4. Hur mycket tid lägger du ned på bloggande per dag ungefär?
Måste man ha en tid, olika från dag t dag
5. Vilken "kändis" läser eller har du läst mest av som bloggar?
6. Någon känd person du anser vara sympatisk och trevlig, en favorit?
Oj, ehm har ingen aning
7. Alla samlar på något, vad samlar du på?
Kunskap? Hoho vis man låter
8. Du måste välja - är du en mes eller en tuffing?
Skulle ju vilja säga tuffing men går med mes
9. Humor är roligt , nämn någon du gärna ser eller lyssnar på, TV, film?
Johan Glans
10. Nämn ett intresse du har som är lite annorlunda eller udda?
Skulle ju utamana folk men det får vara.
onsdag 4 mars 2009
Get it take it and keep it forever yours
Creative writing is the sweeetest class!
I wish we had a class like that in sweden...hah who am I trying to kid, we don't have relaxed and cool classes like that. No homework and mostly just socializing. Plus that we learn how to be awesome writers. I wrote this one poem for my mom and she recommended me to show it to her but I don't know, maybe sometime ? ;)
Haha I know someone that's gonna try to force it out of me, but nah not today :D haha
To bad mom, better luck next time.
If I could bring high school to sweden, that would be awesome.
According to Mr. Billings, college physics teacher, american schools are a joke. Which is prolly true but it's pretty sweet too. The classes they got to offer and being able to socialize with teacher, yeah good luck with that one in sweden with our ,some, boring teachers...
I mean a teacher that's been in Iraq(Mr Hall) that's so cool.
He's an amazing teacher too and don't follow any curriculum's I just wish I could have him too.
Next week it's the ACT's for the juniors and some seniors so tuesday is the day off and wed+thur we start 11 a.m . Grymt!
Finally done with the wonderful u.s history project that took a long time to finish. I better have aced it other wise I will hang but it wont be fun.
Ofc some lazy freshman's wern't done...what a surprise! never would've thought that about kearsley students.
-"How many Kearsley student's does it take to count students in a classroom?" btw kearsley students are the worst on math.
and the other day the principal wanted to teach the teachers how to read. Really??
Mr markwardt before an essay:" And don't write prolly! It's not a word, it will not be counted"
All tests here are multiple choice ones...
I wish we had a class like that in sweden...hah who am I trying to kid, we don't have relaxed and cool classes like that. No homework and mostly just socializing. Plus that we learn how to be awesome writers. I wrote this one poem for my mom and she recommended me to show it to her but I don't know, maybe sometime ? ;)
Haha I know someone that's gonna try to force it out of me, but nah not today :D haha
To bad mom, better luck next time.
If I could bring high school to sweden, that would be awesome.
According to Mr. Billings, college physics teacher, american schools are a joke. Which is prolly true but it's pretty sweet too. The classes they got to offer and being able to socialize with teacher, yeah good luck with that one in sweden with our ,some, boring teachers...
I mean a teacher that's been in Iraq(Mr Hall) that's so cool.
He's an amazing teacher too and don't follow any curriculum's I just wish I could have him too.
Next week it's the ACT's for the juniors and some seniors so tuesday is the day off and wed+thur we start 11 a.m . Grymt!
Finally done with the wonderful u.s history project that took a long time to finish. I better have aced it other wise I will hang but it wont be fun.
Ofc some lazy freshman's wern't done...what a surprise! never would've thought that about kearsley students.
-"How many Kearsley student's does it take to count students in a classroom?" btw kearsley students are the worst on math.
and the other day the principal wanted to teach the teachers how to read. Really??
Mr markwardt before an essay:" And don't write prolly! It's not a word, it will not be counted"
All tests here are multiple choice ones...
lördag 28 februari 2009
Somerset mall , Troy,MI
The pictures came like the last ones first so it's stupid but people might survive anyway.
A guy in a restaurant yelled *buy 1 get 1 free ouhou* so we imitated him it was hilarious.

I totally agree! That's bawseome(Bloody awesome)

Gotta love Starbucks. Get it to Sweden please.

I wonder who I thought of? :)

I fell in love

Only for you mom, can it be Swarowski?


Maybe not the most attractive shoes I've ever seen, but I know someone that got that as favorite color.

Louis vuitton

It's the coolest mall I've ever seen!
Huge! Or actually one in Helsinki was bigger but this was awesome.
LÖSVIKT! Impossible to find I thought but lookie here!

A pool? no, a wishing thing.
They had a lot of cool stores.
Ex. Prada, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Coach, MaxMara etc. etc.
Got more pictures but yeah, it was an awesome day :D
A guy in a restaurant yelled *buy 1 get 1 free ouhou* so we imitated him it was hilarious.
I totally agree! That's bawseome(Bloody awesome)
Gotta love Starbucks. Get it to Sweden please.
I wonder who I thought of? :)
I fell in love
Only for you mom, can it be Swarowski?
Maybe not the most attractive shoes I've ever seen, but I know someone that got that as favorite color.
Louis vuitton
It's the coolest mall I've ever seen!
Huge! Or actually one in Helsinki was bigger but this was awesome.
LÖSVIKT! Impossible to find I thought but lookie here!
A pool? no, a wishing thing.
They had a lot of cool stores.
Ex. Prada, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Coach, MaxMara etc. etc.
Got more pictures but yeah, it was an awesome day :D
onsdag 25 februari 2009
Mostrar från alla håll och kanter
Yesterday (24) Linnea became an aunt! To little baby boy Alexander.
And soon in April I will too! Or, not by blood but since were sisters a few years ago and we do share brother, maybe I could call myself aunt to that little baby? :)
Either way it's hard to believe that the girl that still is very young in my eyes is soon 21 and will have a baby. I guess I'm even younger in her eyes but yeah it's cool.
Moster Mathilda *tasting the words* hm, Morbror Fabian, Mormor Jeanette.
Tastes pretty good ;)
Why am I writing here? I got studying to do! Surprising huh, studying in high school hoho that's not very common around here...
And soon in April I will too! Or, not by blood but since were sisters a few years ago and we do share brother, maybe I could call myself aunt to that little baby? :)
Either way it's hard to believe that the girl that still is very young in my eyes is soon 21 and will have a baby. I guess I'm even younger in her eyes but yeah it's cool.
Moster Mathilda *tasting the words* hm, Morbror Fabian, Mormor Jeanette.
Tastes pretty good ;)
Why am I writing here? I got studying to do! Surprising huh, studying in high school hoho that's not very common around here...
måndag 23 februari 2009
ACT - Persuasive essay
Anti - Communism
To create Hysteria the way Senator McCarthy did was wrong , specially when McCarthy had no valid facts whatsoever to support his accusations.
The Senator scared the people for no real reason because he thought he was doing something good for the country.
When McCarthy started to accuse members of the U.S State department created huge uproar in the country. McCarthy only had groundless information and during the whole time he was searching for information so he would have something in his arguments. Which is very unprofessional thing to do. These accusations gave McCarthy a lot of attention, but only negative since it was causing a lot of worries among the people.
Also to truly prove that McCarty's accusations are false, the Tydings committee started investigations on all the people in the U.S State dep. and also people outside the department that weren't accused just to prove the point.
The result, everyone were innocent. No one of them were communists as McCarthy assumed.
Which really proved the falseness of the accusations made by McCarthy.
That McCarthy assumed that no one believed what he was saying because of "Lack of morals" is understandable we have all witnessed it earlier.
However, this was not the case this time.
That was very clear after the investigations.
Because of this, hysteria was created. People become extremely nervous and worried for something McCarthy had made up in his mind. It was unnecessary, and nothing was gained from it except for everyone to learn how some people act upon their feelings.
By; Mathilda Svensson 2nd Hour
To create Hysteria the way Senator McCarthy did was wrong , specially when McCarthy had no valid facts whatsoever to support his accusations.
The Senator scared the people for no real reason because he thought he was doing something good for the country.
When McCarthy started to accuse members of the U.S State department created huge uproar in the country. McCarthy only had groundless information and during the whole time he was searching for information so he would have something in his arguments. Which is very unprofessional thing to do. These accusations gave McCarthy a lot of attention, but only negative since it was causing a lot of worries among the people.
Also to truly prove that McCarty's accusations are false, the Tydings committee started investigations on all the people in the U.S State dep. and also people outside the department that weren't accused just to prove the point.
The result, everyone were innocent. No one of them were communists as McCarthy assumed.
Which really proved the falseness of the accusations made by McCarthy.
That McCarthy assumed that no one believed what he was saying because of "Lack of morals" is understandable we have all witnessed it earlier.
However, this was not the case this time.
That was very clear after the investigations.
Because of this, hysteria was created. People become extremely nervous and worried for something McCarthy had made up in his mind. It was unnecessary, and nothing was gained from it except for everyone to learn how some people act upon their feelings.
By; Mathilda Svensson 2nd Hour
söndag 22 februari 2009
Feb 22
Feb 27 - No school
March 4 - U.S History project 1950's due
March 9 - Track season starts
March 10 - Mom 48! + End of candy stop
April 4 - Heather 18!
April 4-10 - California,Grand Canyon, Las Vegas etc.
April 19 - PROM
April - Mika's baby :D
April - Maybe Greta's puppies
June 1 - Jeanette 44! Caroline 17! Elisa comes here.
June 6 - Graduation
June 13 - Open house
June - 15 Travel home starts...
June 16 - Home!
Sometime - Gräsmark + Lysvik
Some other time - Meet friends!
When? - Work
July - 20-25 - U-OAS
July 25 - Me 17!
March 4 - U.S History project 1950's due
March 9 - Track season starts
March 10 - Mom 48! + End of candy stop
April 4 - Heather 18!
April 4-10 - California,Grand Canyon, Las Vegas etc.
April 19 - PROM
April - Mika's baby :D
April - Maybe Greta's puppies
June 1 - Jeanette 44! Caroline 17! Elisa comes here.
June 6 - Graduation
June 13 - Open house
June - 15 Travel home starts...
June 16 - Home!
Sometime - Gräsmark + Lysvik
Some other time - Meet friends!
When? - Work
July - 20-25 - U-OAS
July 25 - Me 17!
fredag 20 februari 2009
Have you ever heard about a place to walk inside?
Why would anyone come up with that?
17 laps is 1 mile, 1=1.6 km.
Or cereal that taste like sugar and cinnamon.
(The milk tastes like the milk after eating risgrynsgröt with sugar and cinnamon)
Either way, I walked those laps today, 2 miles. Wosh not much fun and my feet and lungs were hurting after. I mean, to walk was great since I haven't been able to run since last Wednesday, but inside? Cold outside, sure, but still. Inside??
Heather have gotten the weirdest thing. Or we don't know what it is yet.
Yesterday she started getting these rashes and swelling over her body on random spots.
She went to the doctor today and in 5 days we find out what it is, if they know...
American doctors...probably very educated and know their stuff.
But they also prescribe medication for everything and if that medication doesn't work they prescribe something for that. That is, a bunch of pills that might help for the moment but in the long run just destroys your system.
But hey, they make money out of it...
High school, simple.
Certainly not complaining, I love it. But it will be very hard to start the Gymnasium this fall.
Soon it's time to go home, I'm looking forward to it very much but at the same time I dread it.
It will be wonderful and amazing to see everyone again and I will probably cry rivers several times. But still I will miss the life here.
But it's four months left so never mind right now :D
Every other day, I take a shower.
And so does Heather.
We have our shower days.
And we tell each other "hey it's shower day today!"
A few times it's been out of schedule, and it have felt So weird!
I thought it was only me thinking that since those times it's been me changing back the days.
But now, I haven't even thought about it but then I mentioned it and Heather said too that she thought it felt awkward not having the same days!
Life is funny sometimes.
Mathilda in the us and a
Why would anyone come up with that?
17 laps is 1 mile, 1=1.6 km.
Or cereal that taste like sugar and cinnamon.
(The milk tastes like the milk after eating risgrynsgröt with sugar and cinnamon)
Either way, I walked those laps today, 2 miles. Wosh not much fun and my feet and lungs were hurting after. I mean, to walk was great since I haven't been able to run since last Wednesday, but inside? Cold outside, sure, but still. Inside??
Heather have gotten the weirdest thing. Or we don't know what it is yet.
Yesterday she started getting these rashes and swelling over her body on random spots.
She went to the doctor today and in 5 days we find out what it is, if they know...
American doctors...probably very educated and know their stuff.
But they also prescribe medication for everything and if that medication doesn't work they prescribe something for that. That is, a bunch of pills that might help for the moment but in the long run just destroys your system.
But hey, they make money out of it...
High school, simple.
Certainly not complaining, I love it. But it will be very hard to start the Gymnasium this fall.
Soon it's time to go home, I'm looking forward to it very much but at the same time I dread it.
It will be wonderful and amazing to see everyone again and I will probably cry rivers several times. But still I will miss the life here.
But it's four months left so never mind right now :D
Every other day, I take a shower.
And so does Heather.
We have our shower days.
And we tell each other "hey it's shower day today!"
A few times it's been out of schedule, and it have felt So weird!
I thought it was only me thinking that since those times it's been me changing back the days.
But now, I haven't even thought about it but then I mentioned it and Heather said too that she thought it felt awkward not having the same days!
Life is funny sometimes.
Mathilda in the us and a
torsdag 19 februari 2009
A letter
I've only seen you a few times but you have always been this happy little dog jumping around spreading happiness.
I can't imagine how your owners is feeling right now with you at the hospital.
But I do know that they are very sad and many tears have fallen.
Don't you think it's time for you to come home now?
Both you and me hate to see them sad right?
Yes, so please girl be good soon.
We all want you to get better and not be ill and in pain.
But you are strong and can do this.
Small but strong ;)
Keep fighting and get well soon,
All I can do is to pray and a lot of prayers have been said since I found out that you were attacked.
I've only seen you a few times but you have always been this happy little dog jumping around spreading happiness.
I can't imagine how your owners is feeling right now with you at the hospital.
But I do know that they are very sad and many tears have fallen.
Don't you think it's time for you to come home now?
Both you and me hate to see them sad right?
Yes, so please girl be good soon.
We all want you to get better and not be ill and in pain.
But you are strong and can do this.
Small but strong ;)
Keep fighting and get well soon,
All I can do is to pray and a lot of prayers have been said since I found out that you were attacked.
tisdag 17 februari 2009
Banana phone
Home sick today again...
It's getting boring being just in the house all the time.
Got sick thursday, THURSDAY and I'm still not well.
I haven't gotten this sick for a long time, and specially not this Often ever before.
You know, I could go a year without being sick maybe a small cold but besides that nothing.
But now, I don't even know how much I've been sick just these 6 months ^^
Either way, the school can expect me tomorrow...And maybe I can expect a good night sleep?
Let's hope so :)
It's becoming spring again! I love it :)
Last week it was around 20 celsius, and then a few days later it was minus again!
Haha the weather is impossible to predict.
I used to think Sweden's weather was impossible, but I'm not gonna complain about that anymore after living here :P
Don't you just gotta love high school?
Snowcoming dance on saturday (A big dance kinda like homecoming which was for the football this is basketball) Which means that every day this week it's different themes to dress out to.
Today was Pajama day.
I don't know, they shouldn't have that since everyone is wearing pajama pants everyday either way so ^^ Tomorrow is 80's day, thursday - crazy hair day friday - blue and gold day.
Blue and gold is because the school colors are blue and cold.
It's getting boring being just in the house all the time.
Got sick thursday, THURSDAY and I'm still not well.
I haven't gotten this sick for a long time, and specially not this Often ever before.
You know, I could go a year without being sick maybe a small cold but besides that nothing.
But now, I don't even know how much I've been sick just these 6 months ^^
Either way, the school can expect me tomorrow...And maybe I can expect a good night sleep?
Let's hope so :)
It's becoming spring again! I love it :)
Last week it was around 20 celsius, and then a few days later it was minus again!
Haha the weather is impossible to predict.
I used to think Sweden's weather was impossible, but I'm not gonna complain about that anymore after living here :P
Don't you just gotta love high school?
Snowcoming dance on saturday (A big dance kinda like homecoming which was for the football this is basketball) Which means that every day this week it's different themes to dress out to.
Today was Pajama day.
I don't know, they shouldn't have that since everyone is wearing pajama pants everyday either way so ^^ Tomorrow is 80's day, thursday - crazy hair day friday - blue and gold day.
Blue and gold is because the school colors are blue and cold.
måndag 16 februari 2009
A change in my life
Can you believe it?
I changed from to !
I like it! Just prefer this blog I suppose. On some way it's easier to write here.
I don't think I'll get any new readers but in case I do I'll give you a little something about me.
I'm Mathilda, 16 soon 17. Okey not soon but I can wish.
I'm from Sweden but now I'm living a year in the states. Michigan.
Where I'm a senior at Kearsley High school (KHS).
Or if I actually were an American I would be a junior, but since I'm a f.e.s (foreign exchange student) I get the privileges of a senior.
Which means that I will experience prom and graduation.
I was suppose to start the Gymnasium this year but went here instead so I will go my freshmen year with people one year younger than me.
I think I'm gonna chose Stockholm's international hotel & restaurant school.
I guess that's it for now.
Oh wait, my host family!
It's me, my two host sisters Heather(17 soon 18) and Ashlee (18 soon 19) and my host parents Don and Rhea. I share room with Heather and sometimes the cat Kenzy. The other cat Abby never enters.
Yepp that's it the rest you probably already know or you can just ask.
I changed from to !
I like it! Just prefer this blog I suppose. On some way it's easier to write here.
I don't think I'll get any new readers but in case I do I'll give you a little something about me.
I'm Mathilda, 16 soon 17. Okey not soon but I can wish.
I'm from Sweden but now I'm living a year in the states. Michigan.
Where I'm a senior at Kearsley High school (KHS).
Or if I actually were an American I would be a junior, but since I'm a f.e.s (foreign exchange student) I get the privileges of a senior.
Which means that I will experience prom and graduation.
I was suppose to start the Gymnasium this year but went here instead so I will go my freshmen year with people one year younger than me.
I think I'm gonna chose Stockholm's international hotel & restaurant school.
I guess that's it for now.
Oh wait, my host family!
It's me, my two host sisters Heather(17 soon 18) and Ashlee (18 soon 19) and my host parents Don and Rhea. I share room with Heather and sometimes the cat Kenzy. The other cat Abby never enters.
Yepp that's it the rest you probably already know or you can just ask.
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