måndag 30 mars 2009

You got the hick-ups in Sweden?

I didn't get the question but another friend did...
What do you answer to that? No it's an American thing .
Just like twins, that's a question I did get. We have them in Sweden too.

Don't know what to write but I'm sure it will be something.
We're watching two movies in two classes, both about segregation and when America became desegregated. Two very good movies. One of them is "Remember the Titans" so funny and good message. Haven't seen the end yet though.

My dear shin splints are still here, so I can't run.
Kinda looks like my plan to be fit for beach wont come true :P
Hopefully they'll be good soon when I for once get the motivation to do it.

Swimming in gym right now boy am I happy.
It's so much fun :)

And SOON I'm home! Or before that it will be California,Prom and Graduation but Then!


1 kommentar:

  1. It makes you wonder................ do they really educate the students in America ;)

    Kram Kram, snart hemma igen.

    Håll utkik på bloggen, snart kommer färska bilder på en riktigt stor mage
