tisdag 17 februari 2009

Banana phone

Home sick today again...
It's getting boring being just in the house all the time.
Got sick thursday, THURSDAY and I'm still not well.
I haven't gotten this sick for a long time, and specially not this Often ever before.
You know, I could go a year without being sick maybe a small cold but besides that nothing.
But now, I don't even know how much I've been sick just these 6 months ^^
Either way, the school can expect me tomorrow...And maybe I can expect a good night sleep?
Let's hope so :)

It's becoming spring again! I love it :)
Last week it was around 20 celsius, and then a few days later it was minus again!
Haha the weather is impossible to predict.
I used to think Sweden's weather was impossible, but I'm not gonna complain about that anymore after living here :P

Don't you just gotta love high school?
Snowcoming dance on saturday (A big dance kinda like homecoming which was for the football this is basketball) Which means that every day this week it's different themes to dress out to.
Today was Pajama day.
I don't know, they shouldn't have that since everyone is wearing pajama pants everyday either way so ^^ Tomorrow is 80's day, thursday - crazy hair day friday - blue and gold day.
Blue and gold is because the school colors are blue and cold.


1 kommentar:

  1. kul att läsa om ditt liv på andra sidan:) Kramar
