Have you ever heard about a place to walk inside?
Why would anyone come up with that?
17 laps is 1 mile, 1=1.6 km.
Or cereal that taste like sugar and cinnamon.
(The milk tastes like the milk after eating risgrynsgröt with sugar and cinnamon)
Either way, I walked those laps today, 2 miles. Wosh not much fun and my feet and lungs were hurting after. I mean, to walk was great since I haven't been able to run since last Wednesday, but inside? Cold outside, sure, but still. Inside??
Heather have gotten the weirdest thing. Or we don't know what it is yet.
Yesterday she started getting these rashes and swelling over her body on random spots.
She went to the doctor today and in 5 days we find out what it is, if they know...
American doctors...probably very educated and know their stuff.
But they also prescribe medication for everything and if that medication doesn't work they prescribe something for that. That is, a bunch of pills that might help for the moment but in the long run just destroys your system.
But hey, they make money out of it...
High school, simple.
Certainly not complaining, I love it. But it will be very hard to start the Gymnasium this fall.
Soon it's time to go home, I'm looking forward to it very much but at the same time I dread it.
It will be wonderful and amazing to see everyone again and I will probably cry rivers several times. But still I will miss the life here.
But it's four months left so never mind right now :D
Every other day, I take a shower.
And so does Heather.
We have our shower days.
And we tell each other "hey it's shower day today!"
A few times it's been out of schedule, and it have felt So weird!
I thought it was only me thinking that since those times it's been me changing back the days.
But now, I haven't even thought about it but then I mentioned it and Heather said too that she thought it felt awkward not having the same days!
Life is funny sometimes.
Mathilda in the us and a