lördag 28 februari 2009

Somerset mall , Troy,MI

The pictures came like the last ones first so it's stupid but people might survive anyway.
A guy in a restaurant yelled *buy 1 get 1 free ouhou* so we imitated him it was hilarious.

I totally agree! That's bawseome(Bloody awesome)

Gotta love Starbucks. Get it to Sweden please.

I wonder who I thought of? :)

I fell in love

Only for you mom, can it be Swarowski?


Maybe not the most attractive shoes I've ever seen, but I know someone that got that as favorite color.

Louis vuitton

It's the coolest mall I've ever seen!
Huge! Or actually one in Helsinki was bigger but this was awesome.

LÖSVIKT! Impossible to find I thought but lookie here!

A pool? no, a wishing thing.
They had a lot of cool stores.
Ex. Prada, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Coach, MaxMara etc. etc.

Got more pictures but yeah, it was an awesome day :D


onsdag 25 februari 2009

Mostrar från alla håll och kanter

Yesterday (24) Linnea became an aunt! To little baby boy Alexander.
And soon in April I will too! Or, not by blood but since were sisters a few years ago and we do share brother, maybe I could call myself aunt to that little baby? :)
Either way it's hard to believe that the girl that still is very young in my eyes is soon 21 and will have a baby. I guess I'm even younger in her eyes but yeah it's cool.
Moster Mathilda *tasting the words* hm, Morbror Fabian, Mormor Jeanette.
Tastes pretty good ;)

Why am I writing here? I got studying to do! Surprising huh, studying in high school hoho that's not very common around here...


måndag 23 februari 2009

ACT - Persuasive essay

Anti - Communism

To create Hysteria the way Senator McCarthy did was wrong , specially when McCarthy had no valid facts whatsoever to support his accusations.
The Senator scared the people for no real reason because he thought he was doing something good for the country.

When McCarthy started to accuse members of the U.S State department created huge uproar in the country. McCarthy only had groundless information and during the whole time he was searching for information so he would have something in his arguments. Which is very unprofessional thing to do. These accusations gave McCarthy a lot of attention, but only negative since it was causing a lot of worries among the people.

Also to truly prove that McCarty's accusations are false, the Tydings committee started investigations on all the people in the U.S State dep. and also people outside the department that weren't accused just to prove the point.
The result, everyone were innocent. No one of them were communists as McCarthy assumed.
Which really proved the falseness of the accusations made by McCarthy.

That McCarthy assumed that no one believed what he was saying because of "Lack of morals" is understandable we have all witnessed it earlier.
However, this was not the case this time.
That was very clear after the investigations.

Because of this, hysteria was created. People become extremely nervous and worried for something McCarthy had made up in his mind. It was unnecessary, and nothing was gained from it except for everyone to learn how some people act upon their feelings.

By; Mathilda Svensson 2nd Hour

söndag 22 februari 2009

Feb 22

Feb 27 - No school
March 4 - U.S History project 1950's due
March 9 - Track season starts
March 10 - Mom 48! + End of candy stop
April 4 - Heather 18!
April 4-10 - California,Grand Canyon, Las Vegas etc.
April 19 - PROM
April - Mika's baby :D
April - Maybe Greta's puppies
June 1 - Jeanette 44! Caroline 17! Elisa comes here.
June 6 - Graduation
June 13 - Open house
June - 15 Travel home starts...
June 16 - Home!
Sometime - Gräsmark + Lysvik
Some other time - Meet friends!
When? - Work
July - 20-25 - U-OAS
July 25 - Me 17!

fredag 20 februari 2009


Have you ever heard about a place to walk inside?
Why would anyone come up with that?
17 laps is 1 mile, 1=1.6 km.
Or cereal that taste like sugar and cinnamon.
(The milk tastes like the milk after eating risgrynsgröt with sugar and cinnamon)
Either way, I walked those laps today, 2 miles. Wosh not much fun and my feet and lungs were hurting after. I mean, to walk was great since I haven't been able to run since last Wednesday, but inside? Cold outside, sure, but still. Inside??

Heather have gotten the weirdest thing. Or we don't know what it is yet.
Yesterday she started getting these rashes and swelling over her body on random spots.
She went to the doctor today and in 5 days we find out what it is, if they know...
American doctors...probably very educated and know their stuff.
But they also prescribe medication for everything and if that medication doesn't work they prescribe something for that. That is, a bunch of pills that might help for the moment but in the long run just destroys your system.
But hey, they make money out of it...

High school, simple.
Certainly not complaining, I love it. But it will be very hard to start the Gymnasium this fall.
Soon it's time to go home, I'm looking forward to it very much but at the same time I dread it.
It will be wonderful and amazing to see everyone again and I will probably cry rivers several times. But still I will miss the life here.
But it's four months left so never mind right now :D

Every other day, I take a shower.
And so does Heather.
We have our shower days.
And we tell each other "hey it's shower day today!"
A few times it's been out of schedule, and it have felt So weird!
I thought it was only me thinking that since those times it's been me changing back the days.
But now, I haven't even thought about it but then I mentioned it and Heather said too that she thought it felt awkward not having the same days!
Life is funny sometimes.

Mathilda in the us and a

torsdag 19 februari 2009

A letter


I've only seen you a few times but you have always been this happy little dog jumping around spreading happiness.
I can't imagine how your owners is feeling right now with you at the hospital.
But I do know that they are very sad and many tears have fallen.
Don't you think it's time for you to come home now?
Both you and me hate to see them sad right?
Yes, so please girl be good soon.
We all want you to get better and not be ill and in pain.
But you are strong and can do this.
Small but strong ;)

Keep fighting and get well soon,
All I can do is to pray and a lot of prayers have been said since I found out that you were attacked.


tisdag 17 februari 2009

Banana phone

Home sick today again...
It's getting boring being just in the house all the time.
Got sick thursday, THURSDAY and I'm still not well.
I haven't gotten this sick for a long time, and specially not this Often ever before.
You know, I could go a year without being sick maybe a small cold but besides that nothing.
But now, I don't even know how much I've been sick just these 6 months ^^
Either way, the school can expect me tomorrow...And maybe I can expect a good night sleep?
Let's hope so :)

It's becoming spring again! I love it :)
Last week it was around 20 celsius, and then a few days later it was minus again!
Haha the weather is impossible to predict.
I used to think Sweden's weather was impossible, but I'm not gonna complain about that anymore after living here :P

Don't you just gotta love high school?
Snowcoming dance on saturday (A big dance kinda like homecoming which was for the football this is basketball) Which means that every day this week it's different themes to dress out to.
Today was Pajama day.
I don't know, they shouldn't have that since everyone is wearing pajama pants everyday either way so ^^ Tomorrow is 80's day, thursday - crazy hair day friday - blue and gold day.
Blue and gold is because the school colors are blue and cold.


måndag 16 februari 2009

A change in my life

Can you believe it?
I changed from blogg.se to blogspot.com !
I like it! Just prefer this blog I suppose. On some way it's easier to write here.
I don't think I'll get any new readers but in case I do I'll give you a little something about me.

I'm Mathilda, 16 soon 17. Okey not soon but I can wish.
I'm from Sweden but now I'm living a year in the states. Michigan.
Where I'm a senior at Kearsley High school (KHS).
Or if I actually were an American I would be a junior, but since I'm a f.e.s (foreign exchange student) I get the privileges of a senior.
Which means that I will experience prom and graduation.
I was suppose to start the Gymnasium this year but went here instead so I will go my freshmen year with people one year younger than me.
I think I'm gonna chose Stockholm's international hotel & restaurant school.
I guess that's it for now.
Oh wait, my host family!
It's me, my two host sisters Heather(17 soon 18) and Ashlee (18 soon 19) and my host parents Don and Rhea. I share room with Heather and sometimes the cat Kenzy. The other cat Abby never enters.
Yepp that's it the rest you probably already know or you can just ask.